The principal called me today. She said that a middle school language arts teacher in her building requested a transfer to this position but now this creates an opening in language arts. She asked me if I want to be considered for it. I said yes and I reminded her that I have three years experience teaching language arts. Then I asked her if I could get feedback from the interview. She put me on hold and grabbed my file. She said she liked my lesson plans very much and it is clear that I put a lot of thought into them and she liked my wording. She said having the children sing was a minor thing. She said that the essay that I graded was a 3, not a 5 like I thought and that is a red flag, but she liked all my comments throughout the essay. (Thr rubric was a 1-6) She also said I presented myself well throughout the interview. I said I really hope I am a candidate for the language arts position and she just said she will keep my information. Then I thanked her and she said, "Have a great summer and maybe we'll be in touch in the future." That doesn't sound too promising.
I am very sad.