January 2012 Weddings

Wedding party not standing at alter!!!!!! SO MAD!

I am so mad! We just came back from the meeting with the wedding coordinator at my church and I mentioned to her that when I went to one of my friend's wedding's back in July at that church I thought it was odd that she didn't have her wedding party stand up at the alter. They sat in the first few pews and only came up during the exchange of vows and rings. She said that what she did was normal. I said that I have been to several other Catholic ceremonies and the bridal party stood at the alter during most of the ceremony. Her response was "well we don't have the room here for them to stand. They must be seated." After explaining why I feel this way she said I could talk to the priest about it but she said he'll probably just say no.

I am so mad and upset because it seems like they will not be honored as my wedding party, they will only be up for less than 5 minutes during the entire 1 hour ceremony. I want them up there with us and now it's too late to change our church, plus this is the church I grew up in.
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