
Bright buildings downtown?

Anyone know the location of the bright blue and green walls that are downtown and often featured in epics?  My photographer isn't from Louisville and we're doing our epics downtown next month.  We'd like some pictures in front of a bright wall.  I'm searching for places on Google Maps streetview, but feel like I'm wasting my time.  TIA!

Re: Bright buildings downtown?

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    squirrlysquirrly member
    Name Dropper First Anniversary 5 Love Its First Comment
    edited December 2011
    In the general vicinity of Main Street and Floyd or Preston Street, I think.  It's a block or two diagonally southwest of the Louisville Bats Baseball stadium.  Basically, once you find one, just keep walking around that building/block - each side is a different industrial mess/color. 
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    RosemaryCBRosemaryCB member
    First Comment First Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    Who is your photographer?

    The walls of the outside of the Louisville Science Center are a buttery yellow, pllus you have the purple borders and the big mirror.

    There is a nice rusty red wall across from Frazier Arms.  Just don't lean against it because the paint can sometimes rub off onto your clothes.

    The bright green wall and loading dock area is cool down near Stevie Ray's Blues Bar.  Also down in that area is a lot of grafitti, cool iron gates, etc. and you can also capture the feeling of the old bars and shops that are in that area.
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    inkygirlinkygirl member
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    edited December 2011
    Thanks Squirrly and Rosemary!  We're planning on starting at the Falls of the Ohio, getting some on the 2nd Street bridge and making our way west to the Slugger Museum.  I had the Louisville Science Center's walls on my list.  We'll definitely use that rusty red wall too.  And thanks for the tip to not lean on it!  The graffiti and iron gates sound perfect too, so we'll make sure we head down there!  Thanks!  Our photog is Jacquie Carman out of Hope, IN.  She was a part of the IN Knot board when I was on there and we've stayed in touch.  She started her photography business a year or so ago and is a dear friend.  There's no one I'd rather have do our pics.  Well....maybe if I had a whole lot more money.  Bobbi and Mike would be high on my list.  Or [b]ecker.  LOL.
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    edited December 2011
    That all sounds great! I'm taking some e-pics for a friend and I think we're doing that exact same route!

    The one where they are on the bridge and the one next to it are two of my all time favorite e-pics from downtown Louisville.

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    edited December 2011
    Down by the new arena, I think it was 2nd street. I saw a bunch of different color walls when we were down there for Thunder.
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