
Is anyone out there??

I know there must be lots of Louisville ladies out there planning weddings--let's see if we can get some good conversations going and help each other! 

What's the BEST advice you've gotten about wedding planning?

What are you struggling with? 

What do you need to vent about?

Share it out!

Re: Is anyone out there??

  • ladylumladylum member
    First Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2011
    What's the BEST advice you've gotten about wedding planning? Don't worry about the small details. No one is going to notice but you. Have fun! Don't do things for the sake of tradition.

    What are you struggling with? Making sure I don't forget anything. I'm currently pregnant (due any day) and my wedding is in May. Baby brain is NOT helpful right now.

    What do you need to vent about? I told a lot of people a long time ago that just because I am a geek and having a geeky wedding doesn't mean it's any less important, intimate or means that my wedding will not be taken seriously. If weddings marriages made, there would be a lot less people getting divorced today. Traditions started out as someone doing their own thing and they will keep changing.
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks, Ladylum!

    Good luck with the baby--what a wonderful and stressful time!  It sounds like you've got it together though.  Congratulations on everything!
  • ladylumladylum member
    First Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Thanks Shellebelle! I just wish this board was more active.
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Okay, I'll bite. And I agree - I wish this board was more active too!  It's tough for me to get on throughout the day during work hours (and most of my posts are "post and runs" as a result), but I love chatting with the Louisville ladies Smile

    What's the BEST advice you've gotten about wedding planning? To remember that it's about the marriage, not the wedding! I try to keep my stress levels in check by reminding myself that linens and flowers and centerpieces and especially everyone's opinions of these details don't really matter all that much. At the end of the day, as long as we're married, that's what matters.

    What are you struggling with? Getting so caught up in details and being worried about what people will think (since a lot of them are used to very expensive weddings) that I forget my response from question #1 above.

    What do you need to vent about? The fact that vendors think it's okay to charge an arm and a leg for anything wedding related, just because it's a wedding. Oh, and the fact that so many reception venues are already booked... 15 months in advance.
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    ladylum - good luck with the baby! We will be thinking of you!

    shellebelle - it's your turn to answer your questions!
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
  • squirrlysquirrly member
    Combo Breaker First Comment First Anniversary 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    We lost a lot of regs when the format change happened.  One or two stop by occasionally, but not too often.  I know TONS of people getting married in Louisville in the next few months, but they aren't the message board types, apparently. 

    What's the BEST advice you've gotten about wedding planning?  Every time you make a decision, consider these:  Will we be any less married?  Will my guests enjoy this more or less than the other option(s)?

    What are you struggling with?  General stress.  We're under 2 months out, and I just want it to be here already.  I had a devil of a time finding a cake baker, though, and getting the honeymoon booked. 

    What do you need to vent about?  Right now - nothing.  I'm also on the Etiquette board and I do most of my venting over there.  I am a touch sarcastic, and Etiquette and Invitations see a LOT of dumb questions, so I try not to vent AT anybody, but I roll my eyes a lot.

    DIY & Planning | Married 

    Married: 2010
    Mom to J: 2011
    Mom to H: 2014

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    Dresses may be easier to take in than let out, but guest lists are not. -- kate51485
  • edited December 2011
    I agree that I wish this board was more active. Not that I would help with that, I'm much more of a lurker. I can't get on at work and i'm not always in the mood to post when I get home. But it would be more fun to lurk if more was going on. :)
    What's the BEST advice you've gotten about wedding planning? 
    Weirdly, I can't think of any advice I've been given. I try to tell myself to relax and not worry so much. I'm the only one who is going to know what it was supposed to look like. 

    What are you struggling with? 
    Formatting and preparing and compiling invitations. And well, stress. I have phases of worry where I get very anxious that people are going to hate some aspect of this wedding that I've put so much into. Weirdly, one of my current problems is not being able to talk about the wedding to anyone. i have one BM in town and she's had a lot going on lately. Everyone else is far away and we're just not overlapping a lot. I'm trying not to let it bother me, but sometimes it would be nice to be girly and talk about lace and such. (Ok, not lace, but you get the picture, I hope.)

    What do you need to vent about? 
    I need my FI to get in gear and help me out with these stupid invitations, I want them done so I can get them in the mail in a few weeks. (still have time, just want them done.) I really don't have much wedding related to vent about at the moment. Depressed but not stressed. Work on the other hand... i could vent for pages. 
  • edited December 2011
    I agree with everyone above... more activity would be great. Seems like several months ago, this board was more active. I'm very glad for the ladies that keep up with this stuff.... it's so helpful! :)

    What's the BEST advice you've gotten about wedding planning? 
    Throughout this whole process I keep reminding myself its my wedding. I try not to get stressed out when family tells me that I should be doing this or that. I need to do what feels right for me. Also, I've had several people tell me that I'm going to be the only person who cares about itty bitty details. Which is true. And although those itty bitty details do mean alot to me, they're nothing to get stressed out about.

    What are you struggling with? 
    I haven't had that many friends get married, and none in Louisville (although I do have one friend who is also planning a wedding for this year). Not being from the area, I have no idea who are the go-to people and I don't really have any friends to ask and none of my co-workers have been married in Louisville. So it's hard to figure out, is this person really good, or just has nice pictures to show?

    What do you need to vent about?
    I'm glad I'm only planning to do this once. Because there is not enough time in the day to have a full-time job, plan a wedding, and trying to deal with the purchase of a first house. I am very excited about all these things, but sometimes its a bit overwhelming.
  • edited December 2011
    THAT's what I'm talking about!!

    Common thread: stress.  Yup.  Last night I had a dream that I got to the church, and the people who were there before me completely trashed it. 

    Emilykatherine--I'm not from here either (michigan) and sometimes I think I should have had the wedding back home, where I knew everything.  But we'll make it--

    I've met a total of 2 people (in person) who say they've enjoyed planning their wedding...and as for the rest of us...well...

    Best advice:  I haven't really had any good advice; but I've had several friends come in and talk me through some stuff--very helpful, since all my BM are out of town, along with my entire family.

    Struggling: I'm with wildefyre.  My FI is unemployed (well, he's starting his own home inspection business, but that is a bit slow taking off) so he's home much of the day, whereas I work 2 jobs and am going to school.  I STILL can't get him to contact the caterer or the minister.  It's DRIVING ME CRAZY.  I finally told him that if he wanted a rehearsal dinner, he was going to have to work on it, because I was done.

    Wait a minute...I think that was a vent.

    Keep it up, ladies!
  • inkygirlinkygirl member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Hey ladies!  I'm one of the old schoolers and am not yet engaged, but will be getting engaged this summer.  I was engaged before, which is why I joined the Knot and still lurk on here.  I'm not on here because I hate the way the format change has made this board.  It's MUCH slower for me since I have to load the TV at the top and don't have the option to see the board without that. 

    Things I learned last time around:  Focus on the marriage, not the wedding.  The wedding is one day, the marriage is a lifetime.  We didn't and things totally fell apart before we even got to the wedding.  We cancelled 11 days before the wedding.  Also, if things aren't right now, realize that getting married won't make them right automatically.  Don't be afraid to postpone the wedding or cancel it if you need to.  And the best piece of advice ever given to me is to go through counseling your first year of marriage.  It makes so much sense, but I had never heard that before.  My bf and I have committed to extensive pre-engagement counseling and we'll be having a super short engagement then.  We're also going through the first year counseling.  Taking time to work through things before they become an issue will make a big difference. 

    Sorry that was long! 
  • squirrlysquirrly member
    Combo Breaker First Comment First Anniversary 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    You don't have to load the TV.  Here's the link without it:

    You can also right click on the board name in the breadcrumb trail at the top, open in a new tab or window, and it will drop the TV frame.
    DIY & Planning | Married 

    Married: 2010
    Mom to J: 2011
    Mom to H: 2014

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    Dresses may be easier to take in than let out, but guest lists are not. -- kate51485
  • inkygirlinkygirl member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Squirrly!  You've saved the day!  Thanks!  I was trying to open it through the main board heading, which is how it was on the old board format and it didn't go.  I didn't even notice the breadcrumb trail.  Thank you!!
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