
Bachelor Party in Louisville? - From the Bride:)

Okay so I know that most Brides probably want their fiance to really behave at their bachelor party... But, my fiance deserves a fun night out with the boys! He's treated me so well the 5 years that I've known him, and I have no worries about him misbehaving or doing something I wouldn't approve of.  His two best friends aren’t really the best party planners and are having a hard time coming up with something fun for his bachelor party. They do want it to be a night to remember thoughJ  They’re looking to go to Louisville in late June/early July for a night (or two) and maybe spend a day golfing (or doing some fun leisurely activity) and then spend a night out on the town.  I’m looking for any (and all) ideas.  They are on a bit of a budget (just fresh out of college).  So I’m just trying to see what ideas and suggestions I can come up with to send their way. There will be about 8 guys. I tried looking into house rentals as well as hotels, but I’m not even sure what hotels would be the best to stay at.  Another idea was to rent a limo or party bus (but once again they’re on a budget) So if you have any ideas send them my way!

Re: Bachelor Party in Louisville? - From the Bride:)

  • squirrlysquirrly member
    Combo Breaker First Comment First Anniversary 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    There are two distinct bar areas - 4th Street Live downtown, and the Highlands.  The Highlands doesn't have any hotels within walking distance, so they'd for sure need a cab or something.  I'd skip the limo for sure - way too pricey. 

    During the day, there are several golf courses.  There's also hiking in Jefferson Forest, canoeing (Cave Country Canoes in Indiana), etc. 

    As for hotels, it really depends on where they want to go and what they want to do.  Downtown has a variety of options, including a Hampton Inn, Marriott Courtyard & Fairfield, the Hyatt, etc.  I've had friends stay at the Hyatt and at the Hampton, and had good things to say about both. 
    DIY & Planning | Married 

    Married: 2010
    Mom to J: 2011
    Mom to H: 2014

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