
All Brides out there I need your help!!!

I know that every wedding is different, but when do you do the first dance, speeches, throwing of the boquets, wedding games etc??could anyone run through a list of what they did at their reception and the order they did it in, what worked and what didn't.....I have a few ideas but I'm still lost?

The MC will introduce herself, ask the guest to stand to their feet and give a warm welcome as she anounce the bridal party

Each couple will enter the hall with a different song playing in the background (up-tempo/fun beat to get the crowd going) as they walk/dance their way up to the front.

Then they announce the Bride & Groom

Do We walk up to the front and do our first dance right away?

Then we do the money dance, and father-daughter / mother-son dance
( I think I would like to seperate the father-daughter / mother-son dance and put it somewhere eles in the night but where?)

we are then seated, pastor prayers and then we start the speeches, keep it short and simple....(I don't see it being anymore then 3-4 speeches)

Ok now what's next????????????

Sometimes the MC encourages the crowd to come up front and take photos (phot-opt) of the bride and groom and the bridal party.....However I think maybe that could be done later....Any suggestion

Then dinner

boquet toss and or garder belt and cutting of the cake (not sure when its done)

Has anyone heard of the shoe game...Would definetly like to do that?

I don't want my guest to be bored but at the same time I don't want too many activites that requires to much participation, because it's more of an older crowd

Would love some feedback on all the things posted

Re: All Brides out there I need your help!!!

  • ring_popring_pop member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    This is what we did:

    1. MC announced the entrance of the BP. Parents and BP members entered in pairs each to their own song, then we entered.
    2. Our first dance
    3. Grace and Dinner
    4. Cake cutting
    5. Speeches while dessert table was being set up (cake was part of the dessert buffet) - we had 3 speeches in total - BM, MOH and us
    6. Dessert buffet
    7. Video
    8. Dance floor opened with a centrepiece giveaway game

    You can do your dances either before dinner right when you enter the hall, or after dinner to open the dance floor. (Or your dance before dinner, and the parent dances after.)

    We didn't do a bouquet or garter toss, parent dances or money dance. I find too many dances dreadfully boring.

    I've seen cake cutting before dinner, after dinner, and later into the night. We did it immediately after dinner because the cake was part of the dessert buffet.

    I personally don't see the point of inviting guests up to take pics of the couple and BP; if they want to take pics, they will do so at their leisure.

    Also, we decided to minimize stuff going on before and during dinner because we wanted to avoid any delays which would have messed up the kitchen. The more potential for delay, the more likely the food will be overcooked, or cold. Also, guests are usually hungry and impatient before dinner.

    I've seen and enjoyed the shoe game; you could perhaps do that between courses or after dinner.
    Baby Birthday Ticker
    Baby #2: Surprise BFP 9.19.12, EDD 5.24.13, natural m/c 10.19.13 at 9w
  • jenellejonesjenellejones member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Thank You, gives me a good of how other people did it.
  • edited December 2011
    What's the shoe game?
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • ring_popring_pop member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Shoe game: The bride and groom sit back to back, each holding one of each person's shoe. They get asked questions like "Who's the better cook?" or "Who's the better driver?" and they both answer at the same time by holding up the corresponding shoe.

    It's cute because the answers tend to be funny whether the B&G agree or not.
    Baby Birthday Ticker
    Baby #2: Surprise BFP 9.19.12, EDD 5.24.13, natural m/c 10.19.13 at 9w
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