Catholic Weddings

Marriage Prep

Hi, everyone.  Our church does a pretty minimal marriage prep, so I'm trying to supplement on my own.  Does anyone have any marriage books they'd recommend, particularly ones with a Catholic focus?  Also, have you/are you doing an engagement encounter weekend?  Do you think it's worth the time and cost?  Thanks for any insights! 
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Re: Marriage Prep

  • we did not have to do a weekend, but ive heard from many on here that they are well worth it.

    the book we used for our prep was "marriage is for keeps".  it was decent.  otherwise, our precana was very minimal as well.
  • I'd recommend getting a copy of Together For Life.  Also, Good News about Sex & Marriage by Christopher West.  I'd also take an NFP class if you can find one available in your area.

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  • Theology of the body for beginners by christopher west

    3 to get married by fulton sheen

    God's plan for a joy filled marriage  video series by West

    Also, watching the TOB video series by west is wonderful.

    You can get them at ascension press.
  • Thanks for all the great suggestions!  We're definitely using NFP, but I was planning on just reading the books.  Do you think I need to take a class?
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Marriage Prep</a>:
    [QUOTE]Thanks for all the great suggestions!  We're definitely using NFP, but I was planning on just reading the books.  Do you think I need to take a class?
    Posted by jfellows82[/QUOTE]
    I know that some girls on here self-taught themselves, but I do think that if it's possible, it's definitely beneficial to take a class. Then, when you do have questions about your cycle, you have a real person to go and talk to!
  • In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:615Discussion:1fbef87a-1165-4412-b882-d750c2f70289Post:b8e567cf-1433-49aa-9531-bcbb3f252a2a">Re: Marriage Prep</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Marriage Prep : I know that some girls on here self-taught themselves, but I do think that if it's possible, it's definitely beneficial to take a class. Then, when you do have questions about your cycle, you have a real person to go and talk to!
    Posted by lalaith50[/QUOTE]

    Thanks!  I'll have to look into it.
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  • "For Better...Forever! A Catholic Guide to Lifelong Marriage," "The Exceptional Seven Percent: Nine Secrets of the World's Happiest Couples," both by Gregory Popcak. Humorous, very user friendly, and Catholic.

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  • Three to Get Married by Fulton Sheen is excellent.
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  • We had out EE weekend this past weekend, and I honestly think it is worth every penny. FI and I even donated additional money to EE to help the program continue. We've already seen it disappear from our diocese and I'd hate for it to disappear altogether.

    I can't speak to the worth of pre-cana classes or online courses, but EE was definitely worth it for me and my FI.
  • We didn't have to do the weekend. We did have to meet with a married couple a couple times and we went through a book called A Decision to love.
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  • I second Christopher west's Good News, as well as 101 questions to ask before getting engaged. Even though you're already engaged, this book was awesome for starting conversations and working through the hard stuff before they become problems.
  • Awkward title, but thought I'd suggest it anyways as a few ladies on here have already mentioned it :-)  "Holy Sex" by Greg Popacek was phenomenal!  It had really good inventories and things for you and your husband to check-in with each other every day to discuss!  I appreciated how it approached the subject of sex in marriage and emphasized the importance of it being something integral rather than separate from your daily interactions with one another... eh, I can't really explain it as well... so I just recommend reading the book!

    If your marriage prep isn't super in-depth... maybe you could ask your parish priest if he'd recommend any married couples from your church that you could meet with a few times to act as a mentoring couple if there isn't something like that already?  My husband and I found that to be really helpful to learn about the nitty gritty of married life and family life from positive role models besides our own parents!
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