Catholic Weddings

T & P Updated

We have an appointment for April 29. Our lives are in fast forward. We're moving closer to our families. I'm graduating from college. We're getting married. I'm waiting to hear back from a job interview. He is transferring with his job. And now we have the OB/GYN results. From what I've read it is determined on a case by case basis and we're not expecting a true answer. Medical science is not one to give absolutes. Thanks for thinking of us.

Re: T & P Updated

  • mica178mica178 member
    First Anniversary First Comment 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    Well, that's good (enough) news, I think.  At least they haven't completely ruled out kids for you.  Good for you for going in and getting checked out!
  • edited December 2011
    It sounds like you have a lot going on.  I'll be thinking about you as your appointment draws closer; congratulations on setting it up.

    And your siggy just made me really want a PB cookie.
  • edited December 2011
    Well, that is at least good news that they haven't definitively told you that you couldn't have kids. The Holy Spirit works in awesome ways. I will keep you and your future husband in my T&P.
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