Hi ladies! I'm in need of some advice...
My wedding is in a month and a half, and we are having a full Nuptial Mass with a large wedding party. One of my bridesmaids has been one of my closest friends for the past 10 years, and she is discerning which religious order she is called to join! She's excited, and I'm very happy for her!
She just told me today that she is "not sure" she'll be comfortable in the BM dress. She never said anything to me before about not feeling comfortable in the dress, but I think she spoke up because of her modesty & humility... she doesn't want to spoil my wedding day by being picky about her clothes, but I also think she genuinely desires to dress more modestly.
We picked out the dress in January and she paid for it on her own. Here's the dress we picked out: http://barijay.com/style.php?style=917. I didn't think they were immodest, especially since the top can be tied as high as needed. The dress designer, Bari Jay, has a terrible selection of chiffon jackets/shawls, and I don't think any other fabric would match the dress. The color is 'eggplant'--an impossible color to match to any other designer.
She just never spoke up before now! I'm just stumped about what to do. I want her to feel comfortable, but I don't know how to go about making her dress more modest... especially in the little time we have remaining before the wedding!! Any suggestions?