I have an appointment tomorrow morning to meet with our priest. Primarily, the meeting is to ensure/establish my ability to marry in the Church. (Long story short, I had poor judgement, married someone who neither helped me along a holy path nor had any capacity to contribute to a healthy relationship. Once I left him, my FI who I've known almost all my life was a supportive friend. We found love, he helped me find my path back to the Church, and we realize that this is what should have been all along).
Tomorrow I'll be sitting down with our priest and going over the logistical details of my previous marriage to find out if I have to go through full annulment or just lack of form. From everyone else I've talked to, I'm thinking it should be just lack of form, but, of course, I'm still nervous. I don't want to make any firm plans for the wedding until I can be certain it will be able to be a Sacrament.
Thanks, all.
One thing to remember: The wedding is just one day. The marriage is all the rest of them.
April 2012 Siggy Challenge: Cake Inspiration