Catholic Weddings

Catholic program wording

Background: my FI's uncle is a Catholic bishop who traditionally participates in all of my FI's family ceremonies.

My pastor will be presiding over the wedding (he'll do the Gospel reading and prepare the Homily), but my future uncle-in-law will be doing the vows.  How do I list this in the program?  According to my music director, the bishop should be listed first based on rank, but based on his role in the wedding ceremony, he'd be listed second.  Any thoughts?

I looked at my sisters-in-law programs (both had the same uncle do their vows but had the local church's priest/pastor preside), and one had the two both under the heading "Celebrant," with the bishop listed first.   The other had the bishop named as the presider and called the local pastor the "Concelebrant.

Does anyone know what is the correct thing to do?  My priest didn't know the answer, and we haven't heard back from the SF diocese for an answer.

Re: Catholic program wording

  • edited December 2011
    You should list the Bishop first. Whenever you are in the situation even when you announce things you always up the top ranking clergy member first. I assume he's aware he won't be the celebrant, we had this situation at my sisters wedding and the bishop was upset he wasn't the main celebrant, but he wouldn't tell us if he was coming or not so we couldn't wait on it. I think the wording your sister-in-law had would be the best way to do it.
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