Catholic Weddings

Trouble with the priest

T and I have tried calling the priest at least 8 times in the last two months (I've even pulled him aside at RCIA once) to get our annullments started and he hasn't called us back. While I understand that Father is a very busy man, I'm getting frustrated with him. We are getting married in just under 7 months! Other than going to the tribunal, and going to another parish, I'm at a loss as to what to do.

Re: Trouble with the priest

  • Have you only left messages for the priest? Or have you actually tried talking to someone else like the secretary? (Sometimes they are really the ones who take care of his schedule, and will certainly be able to tell you if there is a better way to go about contacting him.)
  • edited March 2012
    Do you have a wedding date set without your annullments settled? 

    I agree with Lala that the secretary or wedding coordinator or a pastoral associate might be better to speak with.



  • I'll repeat my theoretically sound, but untested wedding mantra here: The people helping you plan your wedding are adults. Let them know what needs to be done,* the consequences if it doesn't get done,** your schedule,*** and how to reach you. Then trust them to be grown-ups.

    *or the general situation, if it's someone like a Priest who may be telling YOU what needs to be done
    **vaguely; here I might say, "Since you indicated we shouldn't expect a problem with the annulments on the timeline we initially discussed, we've already booked a reception venue
    ***generally, as in, "We're free most Sunday afternoons" or "We both have office jobs, but are home around 6"

    I'd get something in writing to this Priest - e-mail if you know he uses it, or a snail-mail letter. Then follow the mantra.
  • There may also be a Deacon in charge of annulments, that's how it's at my fiance's church. I know this not because either of us are needing an annulment but because he's the one doing our marriage prep and has mentioned it. I would be freaking out time wise. They have to do all the paperwork where ever you live and send it to the Vatican. You really shouldn't have set a date or been dating technically without an annulment, there is a chance one of you may not be granted an annulment, then what will you do?

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Annulments are not sent to the vatican, they are sent to the diocese tribunal, and then one other diocese tribunal for confirmation
  • The priest at my parish deals with the annulments when we've called, the secretary says that she will leave a message for him to call but he never does. We've contacted the tribunal about it but they say that we just need to contact another priest.

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