I always pictured getting married in my parish. I have been an active member since I was a child and am honored my priest will be marrying my fiance and I. My fiance is not catholic, but does attend church with my family when he is in town and helps out at events with my family and I. My fiance and I talked about not having a full catholic ceremony since he is not converting and does not feel comfortable having communion since the day is all about us. I understand where he is coming from when I went to a wedding with him for his family I was the only one to go up for communion at his counsins wedding. Many of our friends and his family are not catholic meaning they would not go up for communion. My parents and I sat down on Sunday and they asked if we would do the full ceremony so they could take communion as well a few aunts of mine. I talked with my fiance and he told me he is not comfortable at all since he will have to stand there. He understands why my parents would like it, but he feels it is our day, let us do what we want. I have not talked with my parents since. I am afraid if we don't do it, my parents will be upset. Has anyone been in this position or know anyone that has? I don't care either way, but I want to make my fiance and parents happy.