Good morning! Hope everyone had a great weekend and a great week ahead!
AFM: It rained all weekend in Dallas, but H and I had a great time going to our favorite restaurants (and some new ones) and seeing friends and family. MIL came up to look at some houses so we had dinner over at SIL's house and watched SMU vs. TCU (which ended sadly for us, but was still a fun game). Also, Baylor and WVU had that ridiculously high-scoring game, so even though Baylor lost, it was so exciting to watch!
My Honors classes are working on organic compounds right now -- it's one of the toughest units we do, but I think they're doing well. I feel really, really rushed because we have Fall Break next week and then a "benchmark" test right after that, so I'm afraid that I'm rushing them and leaving big gaps, but sitting here listening to them help each other on a worksheet and then hearing, "OHHHHH!" is really making me confident.
Re: Monday Monday!
Our weekend was okay. I am fighting a little bit of a cold, so we pretty much just hung out at home. We also moved C to her crib, so she is officially no longer in our room. We're both happy (babies can be loud sleepers, man!), and a little bit sad (our baby is growing up).
Today is the feast of St. Therese of Lisieux, who is my confirmation patron. I'm going to try to spend some time with Story of a Soul since I don't think C and I are going to make it to daily mass.
[QUOTE]Hi all! My weekend was pretty good - I had a nice time at my bridal shower, and FI had a lot of fun at his bachelor party. I came to work this morning and found evidence that a mouse had been in my desk drawer where I keep my breakfast/snacks - my PB jar was shredded, and it had gone through several packets of Crystal Light. Yuck!!
Posted by erin5286[/QUOTE]
Yuck! is right!! I can't imagine how freaked out I would be by that. Plus, I'd be bummed not to have my snacks! :(
The worst part is that now they have to put some traps out, probably in my drawer and around my desk area, so if they catch anything it will be SO horrifying to see!
Today I am feeling pretty lazy and not being so productive. I have a presentation Wednesday morning so I have been trying to get that all together and figure out what I want to include.
Relaxed all day at the apartment and had some good heart-to-heart conversations about our future together. Just 55 days to go and I'm getting more excited every day!
Tami, way to go! Cake baking is not my forte -- I think because things tend to be too exact, and I'm not a precise cook.
Christina, your comments make my married-hag heart melt a little. I'm so excited for you girls with weddings coming up soon!
[QUOTE]Erin (and everyone else), this is going to make me sound like the weird kid, but I love. mice. I actually found one outside my house one time in college and kept it as a pet (in my defense, it was a white mouse, which are pretty much exclusively bred for science and as reptile food, so I caught it assuming it has come from a pet store and escaped). That doesn't make the fact that one was in your snack drawer any less gross, but I think mice are super cute. =)
Posted by professorscience[/QUOTE]
My science-guy H would agree with you. He thinks rats and mice are cute as well. He did lots of science-stuff with rats, so he's fond of them. I can tolerate them in some instances. In my desk drawer or home (sans pet circumstances) are not two of them. Growing up, my sister ended up with a dead rat in her wall -- talk about awful! The smell, the ordeal of finding the source of the smell, rebuilding the wall...uggg! Maybe that's why I'm so anti-rodents.
[QUOTE]Tami, way to go! Cake baking is not my forte -- I think because things tend to be too exact, and I'm not a precise cook.
Posted by bibliophile2010[/QUOTE]
Thanks. I tend to be very exact with recipes. I think it is my science training. So when I bake it usually turns out well, but I am a horrible cook haha.
[QUOTE]In Response to Re: Monday Monday! : Thanks. I tend to be very exact with recipes. I think it is my science training. So when I bake it usually turns out well, but I am a horrible cook haha.
Posted by Tami87[/QUOTE]
I am actually a pretty good cook, so I'm thinking that between us, we could make a pretty awesome meal!