Catholic Weddings

Let's chit chat!

I sure hope this turns into some lively debate about Church music or BC or....or.....Cowboys vs Redskins or something.  (Redskins, obvi....)

So how was everyone's weekend?  Mine was great.  My friend got married on Sat and it was lovely.   I'm really happy for her, and I'm glad that despite the power being out (it was at her parents' house) all day until just before the wedding, and despite the fact that phones weren't really working all day, it turned out really well.  It was beautiful, fun, and happy!  Goes to show you, the reception is about SO much more than the little's really all about celebrating with you best friends and family!  It's a good reminder to me to keep a level head over the next few weeks!

What about you all? 


Re: Let's chit chat!

  • Aw yay, I always love going to weddings. And this:" the reception is about SO much more than the little's really all about celebrating with you best friends and family! " is very true!

    I had a good weekend, pretty busy...DH's birthday was over the weekend so we had some friends over for dinner and that was nice. We are also househunting, and had an event for his work and some other stuff going on so it didn't feel like much of a break, but that's ok. Still nice.

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  • Oooh, house hunting!  How exciting!!!  Are you moving to a different area?  I can't wait til FI and I are able to buy a house.  I almost think that would be more exciting than the wedding!!


  • No we're not going too far. It is exciting but a little scary too!
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  • Househunting, how fun!  I can't wait until FI and I can start that process - next spring would be nice, but that's probably too ambitious...

    I had a great weekend celebrating my best friend's bachelorette party.  We rented a cabin for the weekend, went out on Friday night, rented a pontoon for Saturday, and went out again Saturday night.  It started off a little rough (just a few too many people trying to take charge of the weekend, and my friend being too nice to say no to anyone), but overall it was a great weekend.  I managed to get some color without getting lobster-red, yay!!

    I only have a two-day work week, tomorrow night it's off to FI's parents for a long weekend
  • Hey all,

    Over the weekend my FIL gave my H his copy of Columbia (Knights of Columbus mag/newsletter). It was open to a huge NFP article. We are not currently practicing NFP although there has been some discussion. It was more strange to me that FIL felt the need to give it to us. Both families are Catholic, but we all tend to keep our feelings to ourselves and we never talk about sex with his family. We have also decided to keep our ideas as to when we will start trying to have children to ourselves. It was so bizarre tht he gave it to H. Anyone else have family that does stuff totally out of left feild like that? Am I wrong to feel like that's not something I want FIL involved in?
  • I'm really open about stuff like that with my mom, (she used NFP and so do I,) but DH is totally not with his parents. I actually kind of wish that we could talk about stuff like that with his parents, or at least his mom. (He suspects that she started using NFP at some point, but isn't sure.) When I think about my own future children, I certainly plan on doing everything I can to keep that particular line of communication open, which would begin with education and discussion about it at an early age. Not  talking about stuff like that is what makes kids (and adults...) come to their own (sometimes false) conclusions based on what their sources (media, peers, etc,)  say.

    For me, personally, I don't think that it's healthy to make sex and related things this big ol' dirty ("not talked about") secret. If you keep the lines of communication open while they are impressionable children, then as they grow older then why would you stop talking about it?
  • My FMIL has sent me articles like that.  Hers were actually more about "NFP is kinda bad because people should just have as many kids as possible, and there's no reason to delay kids when you first get married."  I just thanked her for it, and that was it.  It really didn't offend me, because knowing her, she thought "this mentions NFP, and Resa is taking an NFP course.  I'm sure this would be interesting to her!" 

    That being said, I REALLY recommend taking an NFP course!  I am doing Creighton and I love it.  I am so aware of my body and what it does, and I find it very empowering.  As someone with crazy-weird cycles, I am excited to FINALLY know when to expect my period.  And as someone who had two strokes caused by birth control, and lots of weight gain, I'm happy to be able to space my family in a healthier way :)


  • In Response to <a href="">Let's chit chat!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I sure hope this turns into some lively debate about Church music or BC or....or.....Cowboys vs Redskins or something.  (Redskins, obvi....) 
    Posted by Resa77[/QUOTE]

    <div>Uhhh... no way.  Packers!!!!!!</div><div>
    </div><div>My husband and I had a friend's wedding this past weekend as well!  It was lovely, except the church was not air conditioned!  It got a little toasty up in the choir loft with all the other musicians and choir..  The bride's entrance was Palestrina's "Sicut Cervus" all sung a capella... GORGEOUS!!!!   </div><div>
    </div><div>Anyone have any fun plans for 4th of July?  I think it falling on a Wednesday kinda killed it... DH and I didn't take any of the days on either end off.</div>
  • I agree on being open from a young age, completely. We have been married for almost a year and a half and although we are a very close family, these decisions are something that have never been discussed. I think it just felt more intrusive because it hasn't been a discussion with family before. I just feel like it's a conversation between the couple if it is being used to TTA and almost pushy for us to TTC.
  • Lalaith, I totally agree. My Mom was always open about talking about sex, periods, etc.  I usually found it awkward and annoying, but looking back, I see I'm lucky.  I know a LOT of people whose parents never once talked to them about sex growing up.  That's such a shame.  We should NOT treat sex lilke it's a bad thing.  That is such a damaging message to send.  I remember when I was little,  I told my Mom on my older sister for using the word "sexy."  I referred to it as a bad word.  My Mom agreed that my sister should not be using that word in conversation with friends, and we talked about how certain topics are inappropriate in certain settings.  Then  she went on to tell me that sex is NOT a bad word, and sex is NOT bad.  That has stuck with me over the years.  I look back and realize how awesome my Mom was for telling me that. 


  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Let's chit chat!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm really open about stuff like that with my mom, (she used NFP and so do I,) but DH is totally not with his parents. 
    Posted by lalaith50[/QUOTE]

    <div>This is the same family dynamic for us!  My FIL gets squeamish and cuts the conversation offif you say the word "bra"... let alone anything remotely related to sex. The husband and I also definitely plan on being more proactively communicative with our future children about sex/NFP/etc with our kids than his parents were!  </div>
  • Newly -- LOL!  I'm actually a Bengals fan, but the Redskins/Cowboys rivalry is pretty big around here, and I know there are some Texans on this board, so I couldn't resist.


  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Let's chit chat!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I : Uhhh... no way.  Packers!!!!!!
    Posted by newlyseliski[/QUOTE]

    Newly! I'm shocked! How can you live with yourself as a Minnesotan! ;)
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Let's chit chat!</a>:
    [QUOTE]  The bride's entrance was Palestrina's "Sicut Cervus" all sung a capella... GORGEOUS!!!!    Anyone have any fun plans for 4th of July?  I think it falling on a Wednesday kinda killed it... DH and I didn't take any of the days on either end off.
    Posted by newlyseliski[/QUOTE]

    We had Sicut Cervus for Communion at our is probably my favorite piece, ever. What I imagine Heaven to sound like.

    We are driving over to my IL's for the 4th, just for one night as we do not have other days off either....not looking forward to the drive, but oh well.
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  • It seems like our area is 95% Vikings fans, with a few Packers fans or maybe Broncos fans.  FI and I defintely don't fit in - he's a Buccaneers fan (don't ask me how that happened), and I'm a Bills fan (mom is from Buffalo, NY).  I actually go to go to a Bills game last fall, even though they lost it was still SO much fun!

    As far as the NFP/family discussion, I'm definitely more comfortable talking about it with my mom than FI's family.  My mom and I had a big discussion about it the last time I visited, when it was right around the time I was trying to decide which version to learn.  A few weeks ago, I overheard FI on the phone with his mom - she must've been asking a lot of questions about wedding prep stuff, b/c he was telling her about how we were starting and NFP class, and started to mention which one we were learning and now it works... I was pretty annoyed, not so much that he mentioned it at all, but I really didn't think she needed to know anything about my "lady observations," and also b/c we hadn't really talked about how much we are/aren't comfortable with sharing w/ our families on that end of things.  FI's mom can get a little overwhelming with questions and giving un-asked for advice/opinions, so I'm definitely not as open with her as with my own mom.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Let's chit chat!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Anyone else have family that does stuff totally out of left feild like that? Am I wrong to feel like that's not something I want FIL involved in?
    Posted by schlagetermari[/QUOTE]

    <div>I guess I wouldn't read TOO much into it.  I doubt he saw it as being meddlesome, and was probably just trying to help.  My parents never, ever, ever talked sex with me, so when my MIL asked me, the day after our wedding, if I was pregnant yet, it was a little crazy.  I just kind of had to understand that that's how she is.</div><div>
    </div><div>You can totally tell him to back off.  I've asked MIL to stay out of my uterus and she's done a pretty good job.  Although apparently her response when H told her he was going to be away at a training until September was, "Oh, you guys are NEVER going to get pregnant!"  Sigh.</div><div>
    </div><div>And Resa, the only good things about the Redskins is RGIII.  :p</div>



  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Let's chit chat!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Let's chit chat! : I guess I wouldn't read TOO much into it.  I doubt he saw it as being meddlesome, and was probably just trying to help.  My parents never, ever, ever talked sex with me, <strong>so when my MIL asked me, the day after our wedding, if I was pregnant yet, it was a little crazy.</strong>  I just kind of had to understand that that's how she is. You can totally tell him to back off.  I've asked MIL to stay out of my uterus and she's done a pretty good job.  Although apparently her response when H told her he was going to be away at a training until September was, "Oh, you guys are NEVER going to get pregnant!"  Sigh. And Resa, the only good things about the Redskins is RGIII.  :p
    Posted by professorscience[/QUOTE]

    <div>Oh, man. I have had people tell me to expect those kinds of comments, but the day after? That's funny!</div><div>
    </div><div>FI and I had a frustrating start to the weekend with stress from school stuff, but lots of time with friends on Saturday, then on Sunday there were two baptisms at mass. I guess I've never seen a baptism take place during regular mass. The priest had all of the little kids go up to the two babies and make the sign of the cross on their little tiny foreheads-- I had never seen that either! I guess my family baptisms (and it's been a while since I attended one) have always been standalone ceremonies. It definitely brightened my day!</div><div>
    </div><div>And to chime in on mothers and talking, my mom always gave it her best effort, which I appreciate :) The first time she talked about sex with me, all I remember is she used the verb "pokes" and I ran out of the room howling and covering my ears... But we both got better at dealing with it. I know that if I ever needed to, I could talk to her about that kind of stuff, which is something I probably couldn't say for the majority of my friends unfortunately. I hope I can be as open and supportive to my kids.</div>

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