Catholic Weddings

Question for STM girls:

Do your temperatures ever NOT change?

I use Billings, which doesn't really rely on temps, but I have an app on my phone that lets me record my temps anyway.  Plus, when we are ready to TTC I'd like to have the temps to know for sure.

My problem is that lately I've been recording a steady 97.2/97.3 with absolutely no change.  I think the .3 was on my peak day, and now it's back to .2.  Temp issues was the reason I switched to Billings in the first place.  Obviously it's not a big deal -- we've been quite successful without the temperature "confirmation," I'm just curious if anyone else has experienced this.

I'm just using a regular thermometer -- is that my problem?



Re: Question for STM girls:

  • I use a basal thermometer and there can be an impact if you use a regular thermometer. A basal thermometer measures temperatures by 10th’s of a degree. whereas most fever thermometers measure in two-tenth degree increments. You really need it to be accurate to .1 degrees Fahrenheit.

    I've had instances where my temp remains within .1 or .2 for a few days in a row, but I always see a big jump after ovulation, which is sustained. If you aren't seeing that, then I'd think there is something else going on. Are you sure you're ovulating?

  • As far as CM goes, the signs are very, very clearly there, but I suppose it's worth asking my doc next time I go.



  • Get a basal thermometer they are way more sensitive.  I have this one:

    My temps pre-O range from 97.2-97.7.  Post-O they jump to 97.9-98.4.  So there is definitely a spike.

    Are you making sure you're taking your temp at the same time every day and getting adequate sleep beforehand? Are you getting out of bed and then taking your temp?  That could affect your temperatures.

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Question for STM girls:</a>:
    [QUOTE]Get a basal thermometer they are way more sensitive.  I have this one: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> My temps pre-O range from 97.2-97.7.  Post-O they jump to 97.9-98.4.  So there is definitely a spike. Are you making sure you're taking your temp at the same time every day and getting adequate sleep beforehand? <strong>Are you getting out of bed and then taking your temp?  That could affect your temperatures.</strong>
    Posted by catarntina[/QUOTE]

    <div>Ooh, yeah, lately with all the travel, I've had to have my phone/alarm/thermometer away from my bed.</div>



  • Traveling to different time zones screws up your temperature, too.  Not sure if you've been going to different time zones, but it can have an effect.

    Make sure you put your thermometer by your bedside.  And get a basal one. I'd try that for a cycle or two to see if you have any improvements.  Make sure you take your temp before you even go to the bathroom in the morning.

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Like everyone else has said, you definitely need a basal thermometer.  The normal ones don't measure out enough to notice the temperature spike.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Definitely use a basal...the Target brand sucks, though. The one sold by CCL is the best.
    Click Here for Bio Image and video hosting by TinyPic Married June 12, 2010!
  • I see a jump of at least 0.5 degrees that corresponds with my fertile mucus - I also have that same BD thermometer.  My temp stays up until my period, then comes back down.  Actually, my temp comes back down either the day before or on the day of my period but still before it starts - it's a nice warning sign :).
    BabyFruit Ticker
    Waiting to meet the baby broccoli on 5/5/2013!
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