Hi Ladies,
I know a lot of you said you'd pray for my fiance and I as I'm going through the very painful annulment process, and for that I wanted to say thank you!
I had to go to the tribunal on Monday to answer some follow up questions. They got the records I was reluctant to release, and it contributed nothing but they were happy for my cooperation, I guess. The questions were quite difficult. I left with a not-so-good feeling about it, and have been cranky for the last few days as a result.
Then today, my fiance got phone calls from both the head priest from our parish (where we're getting married) and the priest from his parents' parish (that he grew up in) to let him know that the tribunal has made their decision and it's on its way to appeal. They said it's not set in stone yet, but that I have such a strong case that they don't anticipate the second tribunal will reverse their decision.
So it looks like it will be over soon, and we will be able to marry at our church like we've been hoping / planning all along

I may even have it in writing before I mail out our invites, but I don't want to push my luck!