Catholic Weddings

Needing advice!

My fiance and I took our introductory session of NFP last night at our parish. The method we learned was the Creighton model. Our instructor went through the material a little too quickly for our liking and although we are having a follow up meeting, I'd like to know if any of you ladies can tell me anything about the method? Has it worked for any of you? Has it not? Our biggest concern is that I want to finish school before we have a baby and my fiance completely supports this. He wants us to wait as well because, as he puts it, he wants his time with me before we begin a family. We're looking at maybe two years to wait but at the same time...we want to be able to enjoy and share in that intimacy that comes with being newly weds. I'm torn between what to do and I need some advice please! What can any of you tell me?

Re: Needing advice!

  • Are you going to have follow-up classes?  I read TCOYF and then started a Billings class because I still felt unsure, and it wasn't really until my second class that I started to feel confident in keeping track of my cycle.

    My best advice would be to read through whatever materials they gave you, and then ask any questions that you have at your next class.



  • Creighton method intro is not meant to teach you how to do the method. You are expected to read the book, and learn by doing. You will learn sooo much in the follow up one on one sessions, the repetitiveness and standardized teaching will help you become very comfortable.  
  • Ditto Agape... the intro class doesn't really get into much depth which is why they encourage follow-up sessions.  We had 8 follow-up sessions as part of our fee after the intro class where we met one-on-one with our instructor to go through our chart and make sure I was recording things correctly and able to accurately identify different parts of my cycle!  We started 9 months before the wedding because I have a crazy cycle (still do, but thankfully working with an NFP doc to fix that!) and have successfully avoided for almost 7 months now.  As long as you are diligent and follow the instructions closely, you'll be able to avoid successfully.  We will be avoiding for about 5 more (husband in school till end of 2012), then start TTC! 
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