Catholic Weddings

Ceremony Music

I'm getting ready to write my programs and choose my music. We already picked the readings and the readers. We have te option of an organist with or without singer (another $150). How many of you are using/have used singers? I didn't realize we would have free rein to choose musis (obviously as long as tasteful, and music director does get final yes/no). The only piece I've been thinking of that is non-traditional is An American Hymn, East of Eden. Not sure yet, but I do love that piece. I wasn't told no, just that I'd need to talk to music director.

So, what are you brides using or have used for the preude, processional, hymns, recessional and postlude? Any other time I'm supposed to use music? I plan to stay as traditional and simple as possible, already have ideas for each, but wanted to see what others have done. Thanks!

Re: Ceremony Music

  • Are you having a mass?

    There should be a vocalist to sing the psalm and Gospel Acclamation. If there is a mass, then a Communion song needs to be sung.
  • I am not having mass. What usually happens when a singer is not arranged for? It was presented to us like,"Definitely get the organist, up to you about IS an extra fee..." as if most people don't go that route.
  • That surprises me because its required here.  I guess the psalm can be read and the G. Acc the priest can lead it-- but you never know what kind of voice they have so it can be awkward. 

    Prelude Music
    Processional music
    Responsorial Psalm
    Gospel Acclamation
  • Hm...I'll have to email him and ask him how it would be done without! But $150 really is not a stretch in the greater scheme of things and I like the idea of a singer anyway. Figured I would choose my music, speak with director and then decide. Maybe the organist would sing?
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Ceremony Music</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hm...I'll have to email him and ask him how it would be done without! But $150 really is not a stretch in the greater scheme of things and I like the idea of a singer anyway. Figured I would choose my music, speak with director and then decide. Maybe the organist would sing?
    Posted by Eliz77[/QUOTE]

    Just from seeing someone play an organ... it's a very technically challenging instrument to play and would be difficult to sing at the same time... especially simultaneously leading the congregation in a hymn! 

    I have our music selections in my bio under Planning />Nuptial Mass.  Our parish had options for us to choose from for prelude, processional, etc and mainly requested that we stick to music from the worship hymnal and what was typically used there for Mass.   
  • Eliz77Eliz77 member
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited March 2012
    I wish my parish gave me specific options! That would make narrowing things down easier. The "FYI" flyer we got came off pretty strict, but both the Monsignor and the Deacon we spoke with were very laid back and open about various details including music selection. Well, we will discuss this with the music director soon and go from there I suppose! FI has some pieces picked out that he likes, some traditional and some not as traditional but what I think is suitable. Hopefully we can include An American Hymn East of Eden in some way, even if not until the reception.

    Thank you for sharing-I will check out your bio further! Would love to hear some music choices if anyone else feels like sharing!
  • M had the traditional Bridal March, not approved at all churches.

    The Wedding Song, whichI think was Peter Paul & Mary or such in the 70s.  The church was pretty liberal on the choice of music.

    The only Church fees were $250  for the organist/soloist of the church, used or not.
    She was very good and we hired a flutist and trumpeter to accompany her.  It was fantastic!

  • Our church let one of our bridesmaids sing the psalm, the gospel acc., and the communion hymn.  Do you have a musically talented friend who could/would sing?

    For the prelude, we just asked them to play "pretty stuff."  I had originally planned on just having organ, but my ILs paid for a harpist.  For the seating of the parents, we did the "Air" from Bach's D Major Suite.  WP processional was "Largo" from the Four Seasons, and Bridal processional was "Alla Hornpipe" from Water Music.  I picked them based on how they sounded on organ, and then I guess the organist decided to have the harpist play the first two.  It was fine.  Our recessional was "Tuba Tune in D" by Lang.




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