Catholic Weddings

Wedding next week! Prayers please?

Hi ladies,
I feel a little silly asking for prayers for something so... trivial? But I'm getting really stressed about this week, and it would be so nice to have your prayers and encouragement.

I've been having so many mood swings lately, I'm stressed and anxious about the wedding. Feeling pretty good right now about having plenty of time to finish everything this week, but its been so up and down! Anyway, I leave for my hometown tomorrow. My big sis gets home on Monday, mom's friend flies in on Tuesday and is staying with us, and little sis gets home Wednesday,,, so basically its going to be a house full of women... and I have a history of bickering with my mom a lot and my older sister sometimes too--I'm very much a daddy's girl and my mom and I often just don't really understand each other. So I'm really stressed out just thinking about the coming week, and the tensions and 5 women in one house (with my dad too) getting ready for a wedding... I won't see FI until Friday :-( 

Please pray that my mom and I can be understanding of each other and see eye to eye this week! And that I can just make it through to Saturday without too much stress!

Thanks ladies, you're the best!
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Re: Wedding next week! Prayers please?

  • monkeysipmonkeysip member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2011
    Yay!  One week!  Just keep repeating to yourself, "I'm marrying my love on Saturday!" and hopefully it'll calm you down anytime you're feeling stressed or irritated this week.

    Just remember that it's not just you that is stressed... but probably your mom, fiance, and other family too.  Cut them some slack, and hopefully, they'll do the same for you!

    Prayers for peace with your mom, a wonderful wedding and blessed marriage!

  • ootmother2ootmother2 member
    Tenth Anniversary 5000 Comments 25 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2011
    I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh at your post but I confess giggling a bit.

     I will absolutely say a prayer for you & your mom to have peace and for a wonderful wedding.

    Not so sure the first will work though.  I'm remember what M & I were like the week before the wedding and we're usually very close.

    Hang in there and have a wonderful wedding!
  • edited December 2011
    You have my prayers. Absolutely.
  • edited December 2011
    I understand what you are going through. I was there a year ago today. My Mom and I don't have the greatest relationship either.

    Take lots and lots of deep breaths. It sounds silly, but it really works if you let it. And just remember that by the end of the day you will be married regardless of any snafu's or whatever else might happen. I am sure you will have a blessed day surrounded by family and friends. And then you have the HM to look forward to.

    God Bless you and your husband to be.
  • newlyseliskinewlyseliski member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011

    Completely understand :)  Prayers are on their way!!!!!  The stress will be gone soon and you'll be married to your best friend :)

  • doctabroccolidoctabroccoli member
    edited December 2011
    KatieAnne - I also tend to not have the best relationship with my mom all the time.  But I think my mom was just so happy the week of the wedding that we really didn't have any issues (other than the fact that she was about a million times more stressed out than me for some reason).  Prayers that it will go smoothly for you as well!
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  • shawna127shawna127 member
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    You're in my prayers, good luck!  Everything will be fine...and remember to slow down and enjoy it, I've heard it flies by so fast.

    Good luck and Congratulations!! :o)
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  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Wedding next week! Prayers please?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I understand what you are going through. I was there a year ago today. My Mom and I don't have the greatest relationship either. <strong>Take lots and lots of deep breaths. It sounds silly, but it really works if you let it. </strong>And just remember that by the end of the day you will be married regardless of any snafu's or whatever else might happen. I am sure you will have a blessed day surrounded by family and friends. And then you have the HM to look forward to. God Bless you and your husband to be.
    Posted by MissySue20[/QUOTE]

    I have always found deep breaths therapeutic. I also find it helpful to turn it into a prayer -- usually exhaling anxiety, frustration, etc. and inhaling the Holy Spirit, asking him to fill me with peace.

    I will keep you in my prayers -- both this week, and this weekend for a beautiful wedding and an even more beautiful marriage.
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  • catarntinacatarntina member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Praying everything goes smoothly!  Can't wait to see pictures of you in St. Pat's!!

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  • clearheavensclearheavens member
    Knottie Warrior 1000 Comments Name Dropper 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    I relate to your stress; I am the oldest but I have a younger sister who is hell and going through teen anguish requiring professional attention.  And the other is in grade school and has a smart mouth.  My mom is a stressed out victim.  I'm feeling the tension escalade.  I'm counting down 4 weeks.

    The best advice I was told was from someone who practiced Zen in her life.  She said to keep my mind empty to one task at a time.  If I'm eating dinner, focus on the food, the smell, the taste.  Nothing else.  If I am working on a DIY project, just think of that, not the 1000 other things on the to-do list.  I think this advice is compatible with Catholic teachings.

    I am praying for you, Katie!  You will be marrying the love of your life!
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  • edited December 2011
    KatieAnne - definitely prayers for you this week!  Have an amazing wedding week!
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