Last week my work bought everyone tickets to go to a dinner theater. When we sat at our table, the other couple just happened to be our NFP teaching couple. The husband works in my building, but on different floor in a different department so we never communicate.
His wife is pregnant with their 4th and I started talking about NFP post partum because I knew they used NFP to space all 4 of their kids. I was telling her how I couldn't find a class to attend. She told me to just buy the book, that it was pretty simple, you can learn the basics from the book, and she'd be willing to answer questions if I had them. She also said that she'd try to put a class on the CCL website, but no guarantees since she was pregnant herself.
So I went home and ordered the book on Amazon (link: You can read the entire thing in one sitting -- it's only about 50-60 pages long.
It was very informative and ended up answering a lot of questions I had. Just word of caution -- the rules in the CCL books are
slightly different than the rules in TCOYF. I think if you understand TCOYF or the CCL material, you'll be able to understand this as well.
If anyone is looking for more information on NFP Post Partum, I definitely recommend ordering this book for a reference!