Catholic Weddings

Anyone want to show me their *detailed* wedding program?

I'm especially interested in those from people who have a good understanding of the liturgy, and appreciate particularly "traditional" aspects of the Catholic faith. (you know who you are...)

I'm interested in this more for any more-detailed explanations that you may have included. I am well aware of the *order* of the Mass, but I'm curious if anyone spent time explaining parts of the liturgy that non-Catholics, or even those who aren't very well-catechized might appreciate.

Feel free to PM me!

Re: Anyone want to show me their *detailed* wedding program?

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    Riss91Riss91 member
    First Anniversary 5 Love Its Name Dropper First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I gotta get working on making my program more user-friendly and shareable. I'll see if I can get to that sometime this week.
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