I'm in a little bit of a conundrum. When I first talked to the priest at the church I'm getting married in, he asked if we had any other celebrant in mind or if we wanted him to celebrate it. I said we didn't have anyone else in mind because we didn't, at the time, and because I'm already coordinating the marriage stuff from a distance and didn't want to bring another priest into it.
So, now, my mom has said that she'd really prefer another priest celebrate the wedding, and I have two other options, the priest that was chaplain of my high school or a high-school classmate of mine who has entered the priesthood. I'm really fine with whomever doing it, but I'm not sure how to go about it. Should I call the priest at the church I'm getting married at first to let him know that we'd like to bring in another celebrant? Or do I call/facebook (yes, they both have it) one of the other priests and then talk to the priest at the church? Both of the other priests have said Masses at the church I'm getting married in (one was the pastor until a few years ago). I just don't know who to contact first. Add to that that I'm out of town and we're doing all of our marriage prep here. Advice?