Catholic Weddings

Invitation Questions

Hey girls, it was suggested that we should add some info to the website with guidelines for how a Catholic invitation should look/read.

Can you share your examples, tips, etc?

I'd like to have options with and without mass and with parents hosting, both parents hosting and the bride/groom hosting.


Re: Invitation Questions

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    Ours read:

    Mr. and Mrs. ProfessorScience's Parents
    Request the honor of your presence
    At the marriage of their daughter

    Mr. ProfessorScience

    On Saturday, the fifth of November
    Two Thousand Eleven
    At Two O'Clock in the afternoon

    Christ the King Catholic Church

    We didn't include anything about a mass, and probably should have, but no one seemed to care.  I think word got out well enough.

    If I could change anything, I would make it ProfessorScience AND Mr.Prof, not "to."



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    lalaith50lalaith50 member
    First Anniversary 5 Love Its First Comment Name Dropper
    edited March 2012
    Mine was:

    Brides parents
    Grooms parents
    request the honor of your presence
    at the Nuptial Mass in which their children
    will be united in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony

    Saturday the Twenty Second of October
    Half after one in the afternoon
    Two thousand eleven


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    Ours was exactly the same as lalaith!  Except for the date, names and church, of course :-)

    I had saved a link to clearheavens' planning bio because she had a good variety of invitation wordings on there... here's the section that she had that in:

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    Aw, I miss clearheavens.



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    we used:

    Bride and Groom
    Request the honor of your presence
    at their marriage
    in the sacrament of holy matrimony
    and the celebration of the Nuptial Mass

    Date, Time , Place
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    My Name
    His Name (in large fancy font)

    Together with their parents,
    Bride's Mom and Dad & Groom's Mom and Dad,
    Request the honor of your presence at their wedding
    Friday the first of October two thousand ten
    At half past five in the evening
    Church and address

    Our was a ceremony w/o mass.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

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    We used: Mr. And Mrs. Bride's parents Request the honor of your presence At the nuptial mass in which their daughter Bride and Mr. Groom Unite in the sacrament of holy matrimony Saturday the fifth of May Two thousand and twelve Church name Address I always thought it sounded funny to invite people to your marriage. Only three people are invited to my marriage: me, FI, and God. Whereas, a whole lot of people are invited to the wedding mass. I know a lot of people word it that way, so it's probably just a personal quirky peeve of mine, but that's what it always sounded like to me.
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