I was debating what to get my parents and FI's parents. I intend to get them all an album of the wedding photos, but I felt like it would be proper to get them something before the wedding. I will give my mother and Fi's mom theirs at the bridesmaid's brunch on Friday morning and the Father's theirs at the RD.
I got them from Etsy Seller - ccbgknikolich
http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=38293984 Here is what mine said:
For the Father of the Bride:
You will always be
the first man I ever loved.
I love you,
February 6, 2010
For the Mother of the Bride:
To dry your tears
as you have
always dried mine.
I love you,
February 6, 2010
For the mother of the groom:
Thank you for raising
your son to be the
man of my dreams.
With Love,
February 6, 2010
For the Father of the Groom:
Thank you for raising
your son to be
the man of my dreams.
With Love,
February 6, 2010
Today I get to marry
my best friend.
I am the luckiest
girl in the world.
I love you,
February 6, 2010
[Insert Blue Flower if possible - if not, make the writing thread in light blue, if yes, make the thread in black, flower in blue]
Carolyn and Dave
February 6, 2010