Florida-West Coast

Ring bearer pillows/flower girl baskets

my dilema is that i like the Etsy stuff. However i refuse to pay $40-60 (for BOTH) on something that will be used for .89 seconds. I could DIY yes, but im not crafy, and i dont feel like looking at 15 stores to eventually come up with the stuff to make something. Those are my excuses for being lazy (and cheap!)
Has anyone found an Etsy shop or a place locally that sells "cute" ring bearer/flower girl stuff?!

Re: Ring bearer pillows/flower girl baskets

  • edited December 2011
    Look on ebay. They have stuff on the time. Also, Michael's has those baskets you can buy and just tie a ribbon around it.
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  • edited December 2011
    What kind do you like?  There's so much out there.  Post a link or a picture.
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