New York


So apparently, our dear friend, CB/KC has found a way to talk TK gods into removing any post that has anything to do with KC (or most of them at least).

So.... kkzolo's nice long post about her first-hand experience with this vendor was wiped out.  Which is a total bunch of BS.

The purpose of this board is for brides to share their experiences- good and bad- in an effort to help other brides through the planning process.... or did I miss something?

Apparently, several people have had negative experiences with this one particular vendor.... and now the negative experiences are being silenced (because the vendor in disguise, shockingly, complained about it).  That is an absolute bunch of horse crap.

Kara- can anything be done about this??  This is completely ridiculous!

TK-  seriously, read through some of these posts.  The person complaining (and more likely than not the vendor themself) is threatening, harrassing and has been banned from this board for very good reasons.... are you really going to appease them by removing legitimate posts warning other brides about a crappy vendor?
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Re: Unreal

  • edited December 2011
    Email TK themselves...or at least Knottie Annie and let her know about this whole mess.

    People are inherently stupid. Weddings make it painfully obvious -- KevinandMonica
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  • edited December 2011
    The only email I can find is a generic customer service one.... any thoughts?
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  • edited December 2011
    Knottie Annie. Ive gone to her before. Shes like Karas "supervisor" in the business world.

    Or just do customer service. Im sure itll get passed to the right person

    People are inherently stupid. Weddings make it painfully obvious -- KevinandMonica
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  • edited December 2011
    So... I am either Knot-tarded or just not with it today.  I am having a heckuva time finding Knot Annie.... actually scratch that... I did do a search and discovered that there is a magical moderator's board and that, from the looks of it, is the best way to reach her... problem is, you have to be a moderator to get on the board and our super mod is having the time of her life at her b-party weekend in Saratoga (yay for Kara!!!)

    Looks like we'll just have to ignore CB/KC's crap until next week.  In the meantime... 3 more ridiculous PMs that I won't even give the honor of making public.  They are THAT stupid.
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  • edited December 2011
    The only way to contact KA is to PM her directly. We went through months of issues on our month board when our "mod" went MIA, and then had a person who was totally BSC crazy and harassing on our board.
     Our mod disappeared one day, never to be seen or heard from again. We contacted KA repeatedly and requested a new mod, and we didn't get a response until other mods got involved and also messaged her and posted on the mod board (the one you spoke off).
    If you have a good relationship with any other mods, you could let them know of the issue and ask them to post a page to KA or any of the general mods (she has a team who help her out with the general bans.)
    image 169 Made the cut!
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  • edited December 2011
    Thanks Emie!!!!  I will see who I can hunt down.  This situation is about re-donkulous!!!  Tongue out
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  • raes19raes19 member
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011

    Doesn't she post an email address when they put contests on the boards? I haven't seen one recently, but maybe the one you entered Monica? I know some you enter through email and some by posting on the topic.

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  • edited December 2011
    I asked my mod friend to email KA. Hopefully it has some impact. (cross fingers)
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  • edited December 2011
    Thanks Emie!

    I am about to freak out! I am trying so hard to keep myself calm enough to not get kicked off (although I have no problm starting over...Im not losing anything) but OMG. I am about to light up on this psycho if she PMs me again.

    People are inherently stupid. Weddings make it painfully obvious -- KevinandMonica
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  • edited December 2011

    Knottie Annie just posted her email address today on the August 2011 boards...

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  • edited December 2011
    If you look at her profile, her # of posts keeps going up....does she not realize she can write all she wants but shes been blocked so we cant see her? Ignorance at its finest.

    People are inherently stupid. Weddings make it painfully obvious -- KevinandMonica
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  • edited December 2011
    Wow this is annoying. I was just writing about my experience with a vendor that didn't have enough professionalism to handle clients properly....
  • edited December 2011
    In your absence Kara, KA has been emailed by Jess also, the mod from the 9/11 board, being directed to our threads related to the issue. She also advised we all send emails stating our concerns, and if possible the PM's you each have received to:
    image 169 Made the cut!
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  • edited December 2011
    Awesome. Thanks Emie

    People are inherently stupid. Weddings make it painfully obvious -- KevinandMonica
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