New York

New CNY Knotties!!!


Re: New CNY Knotties!!!

  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: New CNY Knotties!!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hi everyone, my name is Rachael and my fiance is Chris. We are getting married October 8, 2011. Our wedding will take place in Geneva, and we are both life long Geneva residents. We actually just bought our first house together last week and got a new puppy, a Papillon we named Westley (I love the movie "The Princess Bride"). So far wedding wise, we have all the major planning taken care of, except we are still working on a florist. Right now we are focusing on the moving and getting the house situated, and hopefully I'll have some time to dedicate to the wedding soon, but I usually come to TK a couple of times a week to check for new ideas.
    Posted by raes19[/QUOTE]
    I must know you... unless you are much younger then I am (probably you are) but then you may know my younger brother... I grew up in Geneva also, I moved away, but still have ties, and my brother and his gf live in those parts still... small town!
    image 169 Made the cut!
    image 137 Are ready to party! image29 Are missing out! image 3 Are making me crazy!
  • edited December 2011
     I'm not a newbie, I've been around for what feels like forever, but here's some info about me:
    I live in Rochester with my FI and my amazing dog (and two evil step-cats). I'm a licensed Art Therapist, which is a really interesting, and rewarding profession, but difficult to find a niche in. I've been working as a family therapist with at-risk, inner-city youth returning from jail/juvenile detention for the past several years, and getting ready to help open a mental heatlh clinic at my agency I'm really excited about!
    Our date is Sept. 17th. I grew up in Geneva so we wanted to get married in the FL.  We chose Steamboat Landing on Canandaigua Lake outside on the patio, with the reception inside. Although we are both Catholic, we wanted an outdoor ceremony. To us, it's not where you pray, it's how you live. One of my older brother's law partners is going to officiate for us and we will incorporate readings and a sand ceremony, I'm really excited to see it all come together!
    As a life-long resident, I am full of great recommendations in the Rochester/Geneva/Canandaigua area, as I seem to know everyone, so please just PM me if you ever need anything!
    image 169 Made the cut!
    image 137 Are ready to party! image29 Are missing out! image 3 Are making me crazy!
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