New York

What do you look for in a wedding photographer?

Hi brides! I want to know what YOU look for in a wedding photographer. Here's a few questions:

1) Do you look for lower-priced photographers off craigslist that will take photos, or do you look for higher-priced professionals that will create artwork?

2) What is the most money you are willing to spend on a wedding photographer?

3) Do you prefer that a wedding photographer have multiple packages with different things included, one base package with little included that you can customize and add items to and build the price up, or one high-priced base package that includes everything, but you can remove what you don't need for a lower overall price.

4) Is a DVD with all your full-resolution print-released images a must? Or do you prefer to let the photographer do the printing for you? If the photographer does not include a DVD, do you look elsewhere for a different photographer? How do you feel about photographers that have a lower base price (say $500 less than the competition) but will offer a DVD as an add-on for that same $500 extra.

5) Do you choose your wedding photographer based on their price and what they offer, or the quality of their photos and their personality?

6) Are albums important to you? Do you prefer that you buy the album from the photographer and let them design it, or do you prefer to just design an album yourself even if the quality is not as good? If album is important, do you want your photographer to include it in a package or would you rather add it on and select from various types of albums?

7) How important is a photographer's website to you?

8) What is your desired turn-around time? Do you prefer a photographer that will send you unedited/unretouched photos in a shorter time (say 1-3 weeks after the wedding) or a photographer that spends many hours editing and retouching every single photo, but might deliver the images to you longer after your wedding (maybe 2-5 months).

9) Would you be more willing to pick a wedding photographer that includes two photographers, over a photographer that works alone?

10) And overall, what's the three most important things you look for in a wedding photographer?

Re: What do you look for in a wedding photographer?

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