New York-Western

Hyatt Suites

Looking to possibly rent a suite at the Hyatt for my girls and I to get ready in, and use the wedding night. Anyone have any experience with the Hyatt Suites? Sizes, prices, etc?
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Re: Hyatt Suites

  • My reception will be there next fall and so far everyone has been very nice :
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  • If its any friend rescheduled her wedding at the Hyatt two weeks before her wedding...I mean...switched from somewhere else to the Hyatt and saved a TON of money. She said the coordinator was a doll, very economical and accomodating. The dinner she chose was ok, but I dont eat chicken and that was the only option she served so Im biased lol. The cocktail hour is in the garden foyer...delicious food, cold drinks, and plenty to go around. I will say, and it may have nothing to do with the place, it was really hard to hear vows and whatnot in the banquet rooms, but I dont know if they used an outside place for that set up.
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