
Stocking an Open Bar

We will be hosting an open bar at our July wedding in Vancouver.  All the wedding websites I look at state to budget one drink per hour per guest.  My friends aren't alcoholics, but one drink per hour seems really low to me.  Has anyone looked into this?  On friend suggested that American weddings generally aren't like Canadian ones.... we tend to drink a little bit more?  How much alcohol are you supplying your bar for, with guest count?  Thanks in advance!

Re: Stocking an Open Bar

  • edited December 2011
    I just received the following breakdown for an open bar, based on 200 guests:

    Vodka, 1.75 L, 6 bottles
    Gin, 1.25 L, 2 bottles
    W.Rum, 1.25 L, 4 bottles
    D. Rum, 1.25 L, 2 bottles
    Rye, 1.75 L, 6 bottles
    Scotch, 1.25 L, 4 bottles

    Corona, 12 pack, 8 cases
    Pipers, 12 pack, 8 cases

    Red Wine, 1.5 L, 8 bottles
    White Wine, 1.5 L, 8 bottles

    Orange Juice, 1 L, 10 bottles
    Clamato Juice, 1 L,  8 bottles
    Cranberry Juice, 1 L, 10 bottles
    Apple Juice, 1 L, 8 bottles

    Coke, 2 L, 20 bottles
    Diet Coke, 2 L, 10 bottles
    Ginger ale, 2 L, 6 bottles
    7-up, 2L 20 bottles
    Root Beer, 2 L, 6 bottles

    This was the breakdown that I received from our decorator, because I too had no idea where to start. There are a few areas that I would bump up personally, Coronoa's for example--and then we are also palcing 2-4 bottles of wine on tables, so the numbers behind the bar will probably be slightly different that above.
    The other recommendation that I was given was lots of ice--we will be supplied some ice through the venue, but apparently it tends to be one of those things that runs out quicker than you would think (especially on a hot day in the summer).

    Hope that helps.
  • japplerjappler member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Thanks for the breakdown, it's exactly what I need to start the planning!
  • edited December 2011
    May I also reccomend Iced Tea? I know it frustrates me when i go somewhere and its either all alcohol and fizzy pop. 
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