
Suggestions for Wedding Photo Locations in St. Louis

Just looking for some suggestions for locations to take pictures in St. Louis.
My fiance and I had our engagement photos done in Tower Grove Park.  Loved it, but was debating if I wanted to continue with the park feel and do photos at Forest Park.  Its beautiful and has some great areas for great pics, but part of me wants something a little different.
I was looking at walking aroud Soulard, maybe the Landing, tempted to get a few by the Arch.  Our ceremony will be taking place off Kingshighway and the reception is going to be on Locust, so we are right downtown.
Any other ideas or places that worked great for others????
I'm pretty open to anything right now : )

Re: Suggestions for Wedding Photo Locations in St. Louis

  • edited December 2011

    Photo "themes" regarding the locale atmosphere are significant when considering how you'd prefer the look of your album. Your photographer may include lots of the scene's elements to design your album pages. Choose someplace that has a great look and feel to it that really suits your personality. If you like outdoorsy locales, go for Forest Park. If you want outdoorsy with a little intrigue while still  being downtown, try City Garden. If you're sticking to Forest Park but want to try something different (because EVERYONE does Forest Park... plan to be waiting in line while other bridal parties get shots at the popular places), try finding some lesser known gems in Forest Park, like simple forested areas, rock banks, or the war memorial behind Jewel Box. The shot below was taken on a secluded bench behind the fountain near the intersection of Grand and the bike trail at Grand. Best wishes! Amanda

    Amanda M Kar | Amkar Photography | St. Louis, MO | www.amkarphoto.com
  • WildRumpusWildRumpus member
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    What about the City Museum?

  • melloyellow84melloyellow84 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    If you want an industrial look there is the area by the landing called the graffit wall.  Lots of potential there.  I also like forest park cause there is the park look, but they also have the muny, which since redone is perfect for pictures.
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