I kind of feel like typically brides dye there hair lighter for their weddings well right now I'm pretty blond which I love but I feel like it's starting to look pretty unhealthy which I don't want I want my hair to look as healthy and shiny as possible in March so I'm thinking about dying it a richer carmel blond just to keep it healthy I know it's months aways but I'm trying to get my beauty routine down I've already been going once a month for facials and went to the dermatologist Wensday since my stress has caused little "friends" to pop up. I've already ditched the hair dryer and the flat iron and have been letting it be it's natural curly wavy self but I feel like it's not enough. So is anyone else going darker for their wedding or thinking about going darker? Is anyone elses wedding months away and their already working on how there going to look? (or am I the only loony prefectionist)