California-San Diego

Job search in SD help please...

Anyone else looking for a job in the SD area? Ive been out of work for over a year now and im going insane. I have a lot of experience but yet no one is hiring me. Anyone know of anyone or anywhere that's hiring? If i don't find a job soon im going to have to postpone the wedding again,boo

Re: Job search in SD help please...

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    amyg822amyg822 member
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    edited December 2011
    I'm looking for work in SD too.  I moved here in July from NY, and it's just been horrible.  Being unemployed really takes a toll on your self esteem.  During the summer I didn't hear back from anyone, but I've been getting some interviews recently.  I've totally ripped through my savings, so that will take a while to rebuild.Keep at it, you'll find something soon.  Good luck!
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    edited December 2011
    Hi Ladies, what is your work history and where have you been looking for jobs?  I would first check the job boards and go with the obvious: 

    San Diego Tribune Online  (www.signonsandiego) (
    Career Builder
    Craigslist ( if you are looking for a tech job

    Also, if you haven't joined LinkedIn thats a great place to network with other professionals in your industry who can give you tips specific to your field. When I was looking for a job I also created an online resume  through and then I went and started following professionals in my industry (public relations) and would blast the link to my resume every other day or so.  I ended up finding my job now through Craigslist, but everything I just mentioned really helped me get myself out there and meet some people in my industry as I too was new to this area.  Anyways, I hope this information helps! 
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