Honeymoon Discussions

Passport Name Change

Finally getting around to changing my name on my passport and noticed that you have to mail an original or certified copy of you marriage certificate to get the name changed.  Do they send it back?  I'm still changing my name on other things and need the original, but don't really want to spend the $40 to get another copy.  What did you guys do?

Re: Passport Name Change

  • I think you have to send a certified abstract not the license. Our abstracts in the state of Ohio are $1 each. I'm sure it differs by state but I don't think they would be $40 each.
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  • Yes, they send it back. Actually, I never even sent the original nor certified copy. I made a copy of the original and sent that. I also made a copy of my drivers license and new soc card and sent those. Maybe since my name was already changed on those that's why I had no problem not sending a certified copy of the marriage license. IDK.
  • They do send it back  But I just sent a colored copy and it was not an issue.

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  • I also just sent them a photocopy and they even sent that back.
  • You are suppose to send your original marriage license and they do send it back... I got all mine back in less than a week of sending it.  I have heard of a lot of people sending copies or certified copies and it all of it getting sent back so I am not sure I would risk it by sending a copy.  I just put my passport at the end of my name change to do list so I knew I didn't need it for anything.
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  • The instructions ask for an original or certified copy.  It is returned to you. I know lots of people that didn't use an original or certified copy.  Most didn't have any trouble but a few of them had to mail in an original later because they wouldn't take the color copy.  It held up the process by a few weeks. It seems ridiculous that not every person that processes passports follow the same rules but just send in what they ask for according to the instructions.  Who wants to take the chance that you get the crabby employee?
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