
Who can officiate in CT?

We're getting married in West Haven and were told about a year ago by New Haven County that our friend who has been ordained online by the Universal Life Church can officiate our ceremony. I called today to see if we needed to bring any form of ID for her, and was told now that people ordained online cannot perform ceremonies in CT. Does anyone know which it is? we're a little over 2 months out and if our friend can't do it, we need to get our butts moving to find a new officiant! Thanks in advance!

Re: Who can officiate in CT?

  • ggmaeggmae member
    edited December 2011
    "Connecticut Sec. 46b-22. (Formerly Sec. 46-3). Who may join persons in marriage. Penalty for unauthorized performance. (a) All judges and retired judges, either elected or appointed and including federal judges and judges of other states who may legally join persons in marriage in their jurisdictions, family support magistrates, state referees and justices of the peace may join persons in marriage in any town in the state and all ordained or licensed clergymen, belonging to this state or any other state, so long as they continue in the work of the ministry may join persons in marriage. All marriages solemnized according to the forms and usages of any religious denomination in this state, including marriages witnessed by a duly constituted Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is, are valid. All marriages attempted to be celebrated by any other person are void." [url][/url] We had wanted a family friend (Pastor) from Haiti to marry us, but that wouldn't have been allowed.
  • rel830rel830 member
    edited December 2011
    I believe the person has to be continuing in the ministry - so someone ordained online for the day wouldn't be allowed to officiate. For a justice of the peace, try findajp.comHere is the state law: Sec. 46b-22. (Formerly Sec. 46-3). Who may join persons in marriage. Penalty for unauthorized performance. (a) All judges and retired judges, either elected or appointed and including federal judges and judges of other states who may legally join persons in marriage in their jurisdictions, family support magistrates, state referees and justices of the peace may join persons in marriage in any town in the state and all ordained or licensed clergymen, belonging to this state or any other state, so long as they continue in the work of the ministry may join persons in marriage. All marriages solemnized according to the forms and usages of any religious denomination in this state, including marriages witnessed by a duly constituted Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is, are valid. All marriages attempted to be celebrated by any other person are void.
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks GG Here's where I'm confused. "all ordained or licensed clergymen, belonging to this state or any other state, so long as they continue in the work of the ministry" She is, technically, ordained. For all we know, she may well indeed perform a ceremony in the future. I had a feeling our planning process was going too easily. Can anyone not getting married on 10/11 recommend someone in the area? Thanks!
  • rel830rel830 member
    edited December 2011
    NY Times, 2007: Daniel Morales and Gwendolyn Baxter thought they knew. Their outdoor ceremony two summers ago in Farmington, Conn., was performed by a friend who had been ordained online by the Universal Life Church. Having heard of other couples who were married that way, they assumed it was legal. But Connecticut is one of a half-dozen places that do not recognize marriages performed by someone who became a minister for the sole purpose of marrying people. Such a minister “doesn’t meet the requirements of the state statutes,” said William Gerrish, a spokesman for the Connecticut Department of Public Health.
  • edited December 2011
    Online ordination is not recognized in the state of CT.  The ordination has to be from a valid religious organization (not a church set up online for one off ordinations) and the person has to be recognized as 'clergy' so to speak and have a continuing congregation.  We had to look into all of this too because we have a friend we wanted to officiate.  You can still have them officiate, but you will need a valid state official, JP or ordained clergy to witness the ceremony.  We opted to do a private ceremony w/ a JP officiating and doing the legal paperwork followed by our big ceremony w/ our friend officiating.  Our setup is unusual though and I think most just have a JP present to witness and do the paperwork.
    imageDaisypath Anniversary tickers
  • edited December 2011
    Oh, Sara Carson is our JP.  She' really nice and reasonably priced.  You should give her a call.
    imageDaisypath Anniversary tickers
  • edited December 2011
    I blame West Haven's town clerk for telling me the wrong thing a year ago. But now that the blame game is out of the way, I guess we need to find a JP pretty quickly. The last thing I would want is for this not to be official. I think we'll look to do the combination thing of our friend and a JP, and have the JP do all the official/legal parts. Thanks ladies!!
  • edited December 2011
    Good luck.  That is really annoying that they didn't tell you the right info.  Well, call Sara.  She's really helpful.  If she doesn't seem like a good fit or she's already booked, take a look at You'll definitely find someone there.  Don't stress too much!!!
    imageDaisypath Anniversary tickers
  • ggmaeggmae member
    edited December 2011
    I guess Rel answered it then. I *have* heard that a friend can marry a couple as long as an ordained minister/pastor/JOP is present and can vouch for it. Not 100% sure on that though. I think you are better off having a JOP marry you and have the friend do a reading/blessing. That's what we did with our family friend from Haiti. Sav - We used Judy Martone Peluso out of North Haven. We booked her just 5 weeks before our wedding and she really came through for us. She listened to what both of us wanted (DH is religious, I am not very religious) and our ceremony was a great balance of both. Her fee is $400, which is a bit on the expensive side but IMO she was worth every single penny. She worked hand in hand with us to design a ceremony that was special to us as a couple and as individuals.
  • starrbuk13starrbuk13 member
    edited December 2011
    :(  that really sucks!  my JoP is Cami Rosenberg-Dews.  her website is i think.
  • rel830rel830 member
    edited December 2011
    Sorry about that!A lot of people on here recommend Sara Carson. I think Mary Pugh has also been recommended before.
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks for all the recommendations! I've spoken with a few JPs now who are available that day. I'll go over all of them with FI after work. Thanks ladies! GG- I love the picture in your signature. Gorgeous.
  • ggmaeggmae member
    edited December 2011
    Sav - That's awesome. Best of luck finding one that is right for you both! And thank you. It's one of my favorites. :)
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