
New Year's Resolutions...

2011 is quickly approaching! We all have some New Year's resolutions... Let's hear 'em ladies!

1. Become more organized- this has been longstanding... maybe 2011 is the year
2. Get into a better, more consistent gym routine... I do have a wedding dress to fit into!
3. Be a better dog owner- starting with taking him to classes

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Re: New Year's Resolutions...

  • cgbabe229cgbabe229 member
    edited December 2011
    Mine is definitely to get into a better workout routine.... I've been slacking lately while studying for my CPA so I really need to get back into the swing of things!
  • Vanessa630Vanessa630 member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    1. Ughhh definitely get into a better workout routine (I'm typing this as I eat some of Friendlys Jubilee Roll)
    2. Have a more positive attitude about our living situation
    3. And my yearly resolution.... get better about my procrastination tendencies
  • edited December 2011
    1. Definitely get into more healthy eating and exercise habits.  I've always been skinny, but the pounds have been racking up, and there is that wedding dress waiting for me (as the remainder of that Chocolate Cream Pie I made sits in the fridge lol)
    2. I like Vanessa's about being more positive about our living situation.  I love Madison, but I hate our house (it's 300 years old and falling apart), but this is it so gotta make the best of it
    "I don't know how it gets better than this. You take my hand and lead me head first - Fearless"

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  • SuMmErKuTiESuMmErKuTiE member
    2500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    1. Ditto pp's on being more consistent with working out. I was doing great before and after the wedding but then when I got sick at the end of October I was unable to work out for almost 2 months. I recently started up again, but slowly. I'd like to get back into the swing of things with a consistent workout schedule and get back into my spinning classes that I love!

    2. Be a better saver. We'd like to buy a house this time next year and start TTC, but DH and I love our dinners out, vacations, and shopping too much. If we could just get that under control a little bit more we'd be well on our way to the home we want.
  • edited December 2011
    -healthier lifestyle. I have not stepped foot into a gym in over 3 years and our dinners typically are made up of frozen dinners. My goal is to make dinners more at home and try to exercise 2-3 times a week.
    -save save and save. We want to buy a house right after our wedding in June!
  • Laurensara18Laurensara18 member
    edited December 2011
    Run a 10k
    Read 1 book a month
    Cook a full meal at least once a week
    Reach out to old friends who I have lost touch with

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