My dad asked me the other day if his wife's mother could come to the wedding (she lives here in Omaha, dad lives in Cedar Rapids). I immediately said that was OK even though I don't know the woman. Now that I've had a few days to think it over, I'm having second thoughts. My reasoning is that whenever my dad and his wife come to Omaha, I am an absolute afterthought. They come here to visit with his wife's family, and sometimes they tell me they are in town and sometimes they don't. My dad has met my fiance twice and has never met his two children (HIS future step-grandchildren). So I guess I'm somewhat insulted that they would even ask me if they could bring his wife's mother because that just shows to me that my wedding isn't even a priority to them. In fact, they can't even guarantee they will be in town in time for pictures because "they'll have to get up at 5am". Grrr.
Sorry, went off on a tangent. Anyway, am I stuck with stepmom's mom or is there a way to politely let my dad know that I made a mistake and I cannot acommodate her?
Re: Thinking of "uninviting" someone from the to handle?