Florida-Central Florida

Tux Question

Do the groomsmen's tuxes all need to match? 3 out of the 4 of FI's groomsmen are his brothers, and all of them already own a black tux. I feel like it's ridiculous to ask them to go rent one just so they all match exactly. We're going to have them rent matching vests & ties, but would it look weird if everyone's tux was a little bit different? Do people traditionally all wear the exact same tux? Thanks!

Re: Tux Question

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    Britt1406Britt1406 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011

    Traditionally yes, but really- it's up to you. I think usually it's just done for the look to be more uniform (and for pictures).

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    sarah42ndsarah42nd member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I agree with britt. Do you know what all there tuxs look like? I would have them all try them on so you can make the decision , if you like the way they all look together or not.  Mens Warehouse tux rentals are only $50.
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    edited December 2011
    hmm I actually have a pic of all of them, lemme see if I can post it and get you girls opinion, I'm not very fashion savvy ;) lol I can't even begin to tell the difference between them, his brothers are the two goofy guys in the masks with long noses ;) I guess his third brother doesn't have one, so maybe we can try to find tuxes for the other guys that match those two pretty well. 

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    sarah42ndsarah42nd member
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    edited December 2011
    From the picture the 2 look the same .lol. I would try to match the third one to the other 2 . Good Luck.
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    edited December 2011
    I think they look pretty similar from the picture.  I would just try to match the other tux to the others that already have them.
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    edited December 2011
    Those look like a standard traditional tux. Just bring a pic in when you go pick out the tux and match it as close as possible. I dont think it should be a problem.
    We got ours froms mens warehouse. Ours are the standard tux, cheapest too and to rent everything it was like $96 including tax and the mandatory damage waiver.
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