Florida-Central Florida


ALL the invitations have been sent out!! I never have to address another stupid invite ever again!! MUHAHAHAH!! :)

Re: Check!

  • edited December 2011
    that is an aweome check!!  congrats!
  • Maggie214624Maggie214624 member
    edited December 2011
    Congrats!  I am sure that is a relief!
  • edited December 2011
    And now comes the fun of mailbox stalking and the stress of people not returning the RSVPs!  haha
  • cjbwifey2010cjbwifey2010 member
    Fifth Anniversary 500 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Ugh! I sent all mines out on Monday...and im mailbox stalking! It's horrible! Then i had 1 lady ask my parents the DUMBEST question in the world!

    The invite says "We have reserved 1 seat in your honour" and then the next line says "number attending" just in case she wasn't coming she could write 0 and then check "regrets" but instead she asks my parents if she can come with 2 other ppl...seriously?! SERIOUSLY?! *sigh* these ppl crack me up!
  • jazzycazyjazzycazy member
    edited December 2011
    Yaaaaaat congrats!! The other girls are right, the mailbox stalking will now begin!! 

  • edited December 2011
    Oh it's begun... I started getting RSVPs back before I was done w/ all of them...apparently my friends are on it! I've already had 2 ppl ask if their BFs could come, but they were polite when I told them we couldn't add anymore people. 
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