I am kinda sad because I know my parents are not excited about my upcoming union with my FB. He and I have been together 3.5 years and by the time we are married 4.5 years. I have never been happier and he is my best friend.
They however are not so excited. Today I flew home and my mom picked me up at the airport, she was annoyed that I looked at my ring in the car and that I aparently had ideas and was planning things for the wedding.
When she was snarky and commented how was she supposed to know this stuff about where I wanted the wedding and other deatials, I reminded her that we talked about it together last fall and that she knows I have been thinking about this since I was 6.
Have any of you dealt with less than happy parents about your future life with your husband to be? If so how does a bride deal with this.
Note: I am an only child as well