Outdoor Weddings

Need Help Picking Colors

Hello everyone!

I'm newly engaged and just getting my wedding planning started.  My fiance's favorite color is blue and mine is red, so I instantly wanted to do an aqua and red wedding.  I love bright, bold colors.
But my dad passed away about 6 months ago.  It will be really hard not having him with me on my wedding day.  His favorite color was yellow and I would love to incorporate that color into the wedding in remembrance of him.

So my question is.... is an aqua wedding with pops of red and yellow too bright and bold?  It is going to be a spring wedding, hopefully outdoors.  Sometimes I think it will look fine, but other times I think it's too much color.  We want to have a bright, fun wedding, but we still want it to be sophisticated and classy.  Any suggestions?

Re: Need Help Picking Colors

  • Ohhhh, I love aqua and red! The pops of yellow will look great and not too bold at all. I would love it.
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
  • sound great :) love those colors cause you can do a pale yellow and not a bright neon or sun yellow :) even if is in shoes or flowers in your bouquet you will know why u are wearin yellow and thats all that matters :)
  • Thanks so much guys!  A soft yellow is what I was thinking.  I thought it would look fine, but sometimes you just need a second opinion. :)
  • yep i do :) go with gut and cant go wrong
  • Your colors sound lovely! I can see blue bridesmaid dresses with red flowers and soft touches of yellow, maybe in your bouquet to show the contrast. It sounds beautiful you will have a gorgeous wedding!
  • Jager1219Jager1219 member
    500 Comments First Anniversary
    edited January 2013
    I love it and I thought I found an article on the knot that showed a similar color scheme.  Look around in the wedding colors section - it might help give you some ideas.
  •  My fiance and I also love the bright fun colors! We are doing aqua and hot pink and having lime green be a simple pop out color! Our bridesmaid dresses will be aqua with hot pink flowers with a couple lime green! I think your colors sound awesome! May you have a blessed wedding!
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