So FI came to me Saturday afternoon and told me that he wants to push the wedding back to 2012. At first I didn't know what to say because I WAS so set on my novelty date, 9/10/11.

After hearing his 2 reasons, and going back and forth with myself all weekend, I am open to moving the date back. I mean after-all, a date is just a date, right!?!
Reason #1: his family is from Belize and most are coming this week to attend FMIL's big 50th B-Day party on Sunday, and he says that it will be hard for most of them to get a VISA to come back out here next September. So I feel like if I continued making plans for this date I would be selfish because all of my family and friends would be in attendance, while his guests would consist of mostly friends, rather than family.
Reason #2: He has 2 roommates, his younger brother and older cousin, who just happens to be some of the nastiest and messiest men EVER. When I'm there I feel like I'm a maid cleaning up after them. FI says its not fair to me to clean after the others so he just rather me and him move alone. He wants to buy a condo or house with what we already have saved for the wedding. He said he would rather push the wedding back now and then have our "own" place to return to once the wedding is over, opposed to getting married next year and then we both return to his place and have to deal with the other 2 while we save for another place.
The new date that I have in mind is August 10, 2012. I have said all this to say what is everyone's opinion to a Friday wedding? I'm sure I could keep everything pretty much the same as far as with the times, (originally wedding was to take place 5:30-1130) or even just move everything back an hour. I'm just not sure how that would work with people working during the week.