California-Los Angeles

Parent Gifts????

I'm so stuck on this?  What are you getting for your parents?  I know I want to make my mother a duplicate copy of our wedding book but that won't be done until months after the wedding. 

Are you going to give it to them at your rehearsal dinner or the day of your wedding?
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Re: Parent Gifts????

  • edited December 2011
    ugh, we're in the same boat. we have no idea! we were thinking that we could get our mom's gift certificates for massages. dad's? no clue!
  • edited December 2011
    getting 'em a pair of converse shoes to wear for pictures (and afterwards if they want) just like everyone else in the bridal party.  Also had their toasting glasses refinished and am picking them up today!  Hope I can find a place to get them engraved on short notice!
  • gmjpeachgmjpeach member
    edited December 2011
    I have to say, when i found out on the knot that I should be getting my parent's gifts, i was like "what?  really?"

    I actually talked to my parents about this.  They too were kinda shocked, and said that they were supposed to buy me presents, not the other way around.

    So, I am going to give them a copy of our wedding book for the following christmas.

    I am Catholic, and there is a tradition of honoring the Virgin Mary and your parents in the ceremony.  It is really nice, and gives you the opertunity to recognize what both parents have done for you both over the years.  At this point, it is common practice to present a bouquet of flowers and a heart felt letter to each set of parents.

    This might be a cool way to acknowledge them in the ceremony, without making it an ackward (sp)  (or expensive) thing.
  • edited December 2011
    we are giving our parents "twist" candle holders from we were super stumped too as to what to get them. This seemd nice and useful, not too over the top and not cheesey.

  • edited December 2011
    We gave my parents tix to see Andrea Bocelli.  I think that tickets to a fun event always make a nice gift.  We didn't give his parents anything.  They didn't contribute to the wedding.
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