California-Los Angeles

Gown Cleaning/Preservation?

Hi Ladies!

I saved the info for Affordable Preservation and am finally going to do something about my dress!  (Been since Oct)  I was just checking out their website and all looks great!   My dilemma is that I'm not sure if I want to keep it or sell it.  If I get it preserved, I won't know if all the mud stains came out as you cannot remove the entire gown from packaging without voiding the guarantee.  Therefore, if I end up selling it, then I don't want give them a dress with stains that I thought came out.

Hmmm, just wondering if anyone has any suggestions. 

Re: Gown Cleaning/Preservation?

  • edited December 2011
    I'm confused....what are the guaranteeing?  If you can't look at the dress until you open it, how do you EVER know if it's been properly cleaned? 

    That doesn't make sense to me.

    "I guarantee I've put $200 in this envelope which I have sealed, but if you open this envelope then the guarantee is void and I don't guarantee it's in there anymore." 

    That's what it sounds like to me.
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