I'm engaged! Yup. Engaged! Off the market. Promised to one. Future Mrs. All that fun stuff

And what an amazing engagement it was!
A little of the back-story first, though:
My entire life I have been anti-marriage. Yup, anti-marriage. I always thought it was ridiculous and unnecessary. Why do I need the government stepping into my life and telling me how to have a relationship? Why does a certificate deem my relationship "worthy"? Why, with a divorce rate of over 50%, would I ever want to submit myself to that inevitable failure? Yeah, I was a ball of marriage joy. I was actually in a previous relationship of almost 4 years and never had the marriage itch. It was talked about, but never honestly desired. I thought it just plain stupid. And maybe a bit terrifying as well.
Then I met Robin

We began dating in late March of this year. We had been together for maybe a couple of months when the marriage jokes began. "When we get married you can't keep doing that, haha" or when he gave me my promise ring my comment to him was "Meet you at the altar

" Light-hearted stuff that wasn't heavy marriage promises, but a glimpse into some kind of possible desire for it. He moved in with me early on in the relationship and we never had any regrets. This was different. This felt
right. So, we began the cohabitation life this summer. And as we experienced various life episodes together, we seemed to solidify our relationship even stronger. Each fight opened up discussions and learning opportunities. Each road trip offered new glimpses into exciting aspects of each other. We went full speed ahead and never questioned if the brakes worked because, dammit, we didn't need them.
It wasn't long before I would look at him and think,
I can't wait to marry this man. And let me tell you, that was mind-blowing for me to even think about. But it was there and I was embracing it with my entire heart. And I knew he felt the same. Those light-hearted jokes became serious "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you" I started skimming wedding articles, we talked about possible future wedding dates, buying a house, having kids, and so on. And in September we started ring shopping together. Through a collaborative effort, Robin and I picked out the gorgeous ring I proudly sport on my finger today. But that was his to keep until it was proposed to me. So, how would that go about, exactly? I'd made it no secret that I thought it would be AWESOME to get proposed to in a big, public forum. Oh wait, my boyfriend is in a band that packs out venues? Imagine the coincidence!

And with their schedule available online, there were only a few shows coming up this year that would promise a great event.
Fast forward to this past Friday, October 7. my fella's band is playing a popular venue in our home state. Friends and family are invited. Holy crap, this is about to happen. I meet everyone there and the show begins as usual. The place packs out quickly with close to 500 people crammed in the outdoor stage area. While Robin is being the sexy guitar player he is onstage, I flit around the bar making sure I get to see and talk to everyone. I'm talking to my mom, step-dad, and grandma (yup, grandma even came out!) when the band stops playing. The lead singer says they're going to take a break but, all of a sudden goes, "Heather Fitzpatrick. Please come to the stage."
THIS IS IT!!! Being the graceful damsel that I am, I
run through the bar, literally pushing people aside shouting, "Excuse me! That's me! I have to get up there!" I get to the front of the stage and there's a metal gate barrier blocking the crowd from the stage. The lead singer comes over to me and offers his hand to help me over. But, in my frenzied excitement to
just get the hell onstage, I clumsily straddle and throw myself over the gate, my dress flying up and undoubtedly giving everyone behind me a view (thank god for black tights, at least) I finally make it up to Robin and I just start laughing. This is the moment I've been so excited for, one of the biggest, most romantic moments of my life, and I can't stop
laughing. I was so nervous and excited!
Robin takes a microphone and says to me, "Heather, I'm so madly in love with you. I have been since the moment we met. Every moment with you has been an adventure I run to with open arms and I hope to share many more with you as time comes." The crowd catches on and starts cheering and clapping. I keep laughing, my hands covering my mouth in a futile attempt to calm down. Robin holds up a finger, "Hang on" he says and disappears to the side of the stage for a quick second. He's back, and with a box. A tiny, jewelry box with one of my favorite words on the top: Zales. He opens the box and gets down on one knee:
Will you marry me? The crowd loses it. I just keep on laughing....Managing a vigorous head shake and a "YES!!!" in between. He helps put the ring on my finger. The second it's in place, I dramatically thrust my hand out to the crowd in a "HOLY CRAP I'M ENGAGED!!!" maneuver and was greeted by a wave of more screams. I went to hug and kiss Robin and he picks me up for a romantic twirl. Only, in the process of said romantic twirl, I managed to kick over a microphone stand and flash some more people with my skirt flying up. But I didn't care. I was engaged!!!
We went backstage and were met by friends, family, and total strangers congratulating us. Women were wiping mascara off their faces saying how they couldn't stop crying. Men were giving Robin the "Atta boy" handshake and back slap. Everything was so surreal. I couldn't stop smiling.
Happiest. Moment. EVER. Luckily, a few people recorded the event, so I'll always have video memory now of that incredible night. I got the proposal I'd wanted, but even more importantly, I got the man I'd always dreamed of