Just Engaged and Proposals

Need some advice

I am proposing on December 15th... And need some help with the final details

The plan is a all day scavenger hunt.

She wakes up to her first clue, that leads her to where we had our first date.  When she gets there she get the prize of a Spa visit to have her hair done.  Little poems (goofy ones that will make her smile and everyone else groan) will lead her to each location.

Some of the prizes are Hair (as mentioned) Flowers, Nails done, Her favorite lunch, cofee and a new dress she wanted but was to much with nice lingerie...   

Heres where I am stuck

I have reservations at 3 places for where to atually pop the question... it is the last stop and final "prize"

Here are my options
1) The nicest restuarant in town, where her favorite Lobster Bisque is... She loves lobster bisque.  Really romantic and nice.. we have been there twice.  Do the standard propose durring dessert

2) Our first nice date was at a resturant across from a nice park.  I could propose in the park.  Had though of hiriing a photographer to take shots of the whole thing on the downlow, until after I pop the question, then do a photoshoot type thing then dinner at the resturant

3) She is a singer and loves Karaoke.  Final plan is taking her to a live band karaoke spot in town she loves.  Have her sing, and at the end come on stage and propose.  Dinner rez afterward across the way.

Ive gone back and forth on these 3 options...  Also debated getting her a limo to the last stop so we wont have 2 cars there (she loves limos too)  but there is a 3 hour minumum, and its only a 30 minute drive to any of these stops.

Ladies... I'd appreciate any help or opinions. 


Re: Need some advice

  • #2 sounds like it fits the best. You start her off at where you had your first date and then end it at where you had your first nice date. Plus having the photographs of you asking her would be huge later on.

    Good luck!
    imageDaisypath Anniversary tickers
  • 2, but invite some friends and family for cocktails instead of dinner? Maybe?
    LilySlim Weight loss tickers Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Absolutely number two! And I agree about having some friends and family in wait at the restaurant afterwards. 
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  • I would go with number two. Number one sounds nice to me as well but I'd pop the question first. After all that she's going to know somethings up. Don't make the girl wait through dinner as well.
  • Go with number 2.
  • Definitely 2. I personally wouldn't like friends and family there, though. I really just wanted to bask in my newly-engaged glow with my FI over dinner and wine. I wanted to tell everyone right away, but I mostly wanted to be able to be alone with FI. But that's just our introverted personalities. Just something to consider before you invite extra people.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I like #2 as well, unless she'd prefer being the center of attention over a private moment (and go with #3). My H gave our camera to people at the hotel and we have shots of the proposal... I treasure those pics as much as our wedding photos. And realize that, with such a wonderful day planned, it will be a wonderful moment but not a surprise. Good luck and enjoy!
  • Love the idea of number 2. It sounds very romantic and perfect. The photographer bit would be amazing too, it's the one thing i wish my fiance would have done. So #2 all the way :) 
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