My BFF just got engaged and I really don't want to be in her wedding. I didn't know where to post this, so sorry all. I feel as of lately we are not as close, and I try to get involved with her wedding stuff, but she has a major attitude. I know she's stressed, but she still has a year before the wedding. Everything about the wedding pisses me off to be honest. She made sure to remind me that the wedding was no kids, bc I have three and another on the way, but she is using children from his side that she doesn't even know. That's fine, bc my kids aren't into that stuff, but I dunno. Everything revolves around him, and did I mention, she's cheated on him with my hubby's friends? How do I tell her I really don't want to be in her wedding. I mentioned it before, and she got all butt hurt, but I want no part in this sh** show. I relly dislike the guy as well. He always comments about her weight. I just don't feel like paying money to fly with my DH to see my bff make a mistake.