Just Engaged and Proposals

How did you know he was the one...?

Knowing this man for six years as a friend before I even considered him to be anything else...but we decided to try something because we were both alone for "Sweetest Day" and he asked me on a date :) I was surprised and took him up on his offer.. I knew THAT night.. my close friend would be my husband. The way I could barely look him straight in the eye, he had me blushing sooooo hard!!! I was like a little girl, it was so embarassing ! Gosh! I LOVE HIM~!

Re: How did you know he was the one...?

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    Wasn't there a post about this a while ago? Oh, well, I'll bite. ;)

    I knew he was the one after we had been dating for two years. I was suffering from Post Traumatic Stress and was unable to attend school. I essentially became house bound for quite a while and was in REALLY bad shape. I probably wasn't much fun to be around.

    FI came over to my house EVERY DAY after school to see me. Sometimes he would help me with school work (I was being home schooled due to my inability to leave the house) and other times we would just sit and talk or watch TV.

    It hit me at that moment that if an 18-year-old boy would come visit his "crazy" girlfriend every day rather than running off to do whatever it is that teenage boys do, then he must be special. We've been together for five years now and I can't imagine a better man for me.
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    Daisypath Graduation tickers
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    On our third date, he was talking about how important education was to him.  Somehow, that one remark told me a lot and let me know that he had potential.
    Whoever said it was supposed to be happily ever after is a big fat liar.
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    He supports me in everything and truly is my biggest cheerleader and he constantly makes me laugh. No one who I had previously been with had ever done  either of those things. We would laugh in groups or at something that someone else said...but they themselves would never be the one to make me laugh. It is a little thing but to me it was incredibly important. We also see the world very similarly and share very similar (though not same) values.
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    Heres a cute and funny story...

    My FI was driving me to David's Bridal to meet my friend who was getting married that July (this was Feb. 2010 when this happenned) and we got there and he was just gonna drop me off and go to the mall, which was about 2 minutes away. The thing was, I didn't see anyone else's car so I thought I was the only one there and everyone else was maybe running late so I wanted him to wait with me until all the other girls showed up. We were in a bad part of town and I didn't want to be left there alone. I know I was being a BIT overdramatic (very unusual for meTongue out) because even if I was the first one there I could have gone in to wait in the store, but I'm really shy and weird in unfamiliar situations. Who knows what was going through my head that day. I was probably already in a bad mood because the David's Bridal was in such an inconvienient location. So we got into a stupid little argument because he wanted to go and I think I probably said like "fine" and slammed the door and walked off in a huff. You know, the usual for me lol.

    So anyway I really was making a big deal out of nothing because it turned out that all the girls were already there in the store. So I felt stupid haha. Well anyway about 20 minutes later when I was trying on dresses with the other girls, he showed up in David's Bridal. Yes, he actually came IN the store, despite all the nasty looks he was getting from all the other brides. He came over and hugged me and told me that he felt bad when he was shopping so he came back to see me instead. <3<3 How sweet. He even bought me a sweater (well ok, with the giftcard that I had gotten for a Christmas present that I gave to him bc I wasn't gonna use it, but still) He stayed with me until I was done, despite all the evil looks he was getting from my friends mom and the other bridesmaids.

    I knew then that he was the one. He had already proposed to me a few weeks before that and I said yes, and I knew the answer was yes, but this experience kind of made me moree sure of my decision.

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    About 10 months into our relationship I started getting allergy shots, about a month or so later I developed this weird rash on my chest and then it turned into full blown hives over my entire body that would come and go at different times during the day! It was awful! I stopped the shots immediately, but the hives stuck around for a few months. I refused to leave my dorm room when I had an outbreak. FI was so supportive through the whole thing all the while telling me that I was beautiful. I knew after "the hives" that he was the one.
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    Some really great stories ladies.

    MIne is a little more unconventional. I knew after I had broken up with him. Weird I know, rewind.

    I had been dating this other guy for about 2 years, who was friends with FI so we in turn became friends. I caught my ex cheating on me on a Monday, FI's ex broke up with him the following Wednesday and we became eachothers shoulder to cry on. After talking for about 2 weeks, he asked me to dinner, and immediately felt sparks. We slowly began dating, when I realized I wasn't quite ready to date nor was I completely over my failed relationship with my ex (2 years is a long time to move on or feel like you're falling for someone else in 2 weeks) and I needed to get my thoughts and emotions in check. We broke up and about 5 months or so after I kept finding things of his, or someone would talk or ask about him, etc, and it seemed as though I could not get him off of my mind. About a year since we started dating the first time, I started calling him, making general small talk and one night he asked me, point blank what I wanted. I told him I knew I goofed but I needed that time to really realize how special he was to me. After about a 5 hour conversation, he agreed to meet me again. The rest is history. We've been together for 3 years now, and although we have led an interesting path to get where we are today, I wouldn't change a thing. 
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    In Response to Re: How did you know he was the one...?:
    [QUOTE. FI was so supportive through the whole thing all the while telling me that I was beautiful. I knew after "the hives" that he was the one.
    Posted by mandi921vh[/QUOTE]

    I love this story. Don't get me wrong, all of your stories are beautiful, but this one just strikes a chord in my heart. About a year ago I had to take FI to the ER. He was complaining of fatigue, chest pain, and overall just a "blah" feeling. The chest pain thing really concerned everyone, so they spent hours doing different tests trying to figure out what was wrong. I stayed by his side until almost midnight (we arrived around 5pm) when they made me go home. We found out that he had diabetes and he was feeling so sick because his blood sugar was in the 400's, which is really high, and they wanted him to spend the night at the hospital. Leaving him at the hospital was horrible, and going home to an empty apartment and sleeping alone was even worse. I think it strengthened our bond though because I realized that something really bad could have happened, and that we were so  lucky he was ok.

    I think the true test of a couple is seeing what one person does when the other is sick or is in a time of need. Your man stood by you when you needed someone. That right there is true love.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers image
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    I knew on the first date that he was special, so very different than how past first dates had gone. We spent almost 12 hours together, 6 of them sitting in a starbucks just talking about who we were, what we loved to do, what our goals, hopes, and dreams were. There was just so much that synced up to have made us meeting have been a mistake.

    On our third date, we went stargazing which has always had a special place in my heart because my grandfather had worked on the Lunar Module. He made an offhand remark that night about his grandparents and how he admired the love they had shared until they had both eventually passed on, it's a private moment that I wouldn't share with anyone. After that date, the seed had been planted.

    Over the months of our relationship, there have been many special moments that add up, it wasn't a one shot deal.

    Most recently, I was in a serious car accident last month, my car was totaled. He's an EMT, and he raced to the scene, only to miss me by moments. He met me in the ER and provided emotional support until my grandparents arrived, and has continued to take care of me in what will be a long recovery. I knew after that night, that I'd made the right choice in saying say yes.
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    I knew he was the one when he asked me to close my eyes so he could kiss me! Lol. It was after we closed one night (we worked together) and we were talking as he drove me home. I was enjoying our conversation too much so we stopped at the park by my house. That is when he asked me to close my eyes. I looked at him weird then closed my eyes.
    LilySlim Weight loss tickers
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    I knew he was the one because how we reconnected felt like a saving grace from the Man above.

    We went to high school together, and we had always been super close.  We both had crushes on each other, but never thought we were good enough and we didn't want to lose our friendship.  He was on the basketball team, and I was the team manager.  An unfortunate event happened between me and another player on the team, rumors were spread, and I was devastated.  Even after that, he didn't look at me differently, and he defended me to his idiot teammate.

    Fast forward 4 years later, and although we kept in small contact, we didn't think we would see each other again.  I was in a relationship, thinking about a way to break-up with the guy, and he had just gotten out of a crazy relationship months earlier.  I woke up that day and randomly decided to go to the mall by myself, since my then-bf flaked on me.  I was walking through the mall to leave, and I spotted him.  He stopped and smiled, and we began talking.  What I thought was going to be a short conversation turned into catching a movie and late lunch together.  It felt like we never lost our vibe.  The next night, he took me to a park with a duck pond and set up roses and candles.  That weekend, he took me to Disneyland - even paid for everything with no questions asked.  (by the way, I had broken up with the other guy before that happened lol)

    In the end, he showed up at the perfect time.  RIght when I was going to give up on dating, there he was... Laughing 
    And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. - 1 Corinthians 13:13 Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    Going through a divorce is hard enough, but with kids is worse. I decided I would only let the kids meet my dates if I knew it was something serious. As I was dating I had many guys tell me they weren't ready to date a woman with kids. May I also say i was upfront and honest from date 1. Jason told me he wanted to meet the kids. I was hesitant at first, but I agreed. He took us all out to the marina, played in the sand and ate ice cream. It was the best aftrnoon I had had in a long time. Then at the end of the day my sonstarted to get very sick. Jason took us to the ER. Instead of going to his friends party, he watched the packers Vs bears game from a tiny TV in the waiting room. I told him he could go we would find a way home. He Told me no way this is what a good boyfriend does. I knew then that he loved me and the kids.

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    Just over a month into dating John, I got mono.  I was horribly sick, bedridden, and physically ill for almost a month.  It was the most horrible experience (health-wise) of my life.  So it would have made sense and been so easy for him to just walk away, not wanting to waste his time on a girl who phsycially couldn't walk from her bed to the bathroom in a tiny one bedroom apartment.  Instead he stayed with me every night, came over after work each day to check on me, and took amazing care of me to help my slow recovery.  My best friend (and now MOH) pulled me aside after I was better and said to me one day, "this guy is amazing - I can't think of anyone who would stick by someone they pretty much just met like he did for you, let alone take care of them like this.  He's definitely someone special."  She was right, and that night I had this horrible dream that he had broken up with me.  I felt empty inside and woke up crying hysterically (I don't do that).  I turned my head and realized I was in his apartment with him and he was right next to me and it was just a nightmare.  That was the minute I realized he was the love of my life. 
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    Our story is a little out of the ordinary as well.

    My family started attending his family's church when I was 9 years old and they invited us over for Christmas. I was disappointed the only kid my age was a boy... (haha!) Anyway, we became friends when I was 16. From my earliest memories of him, I knew he was different, even though I couldn't tell you why. About a year later we were at a birthday party. Just like in all the movies, I saw him from across the room and just knew that one day, he was going to be my husband. Since I was only 17 and had yet to even begin college (a requirement in my family), I said nothing. Our friendship grew into love and he asked me to marry him on Valentines Day of this year, 4 1/2 years after that day. People may think I'm crazy, that I was too young to know. But just watch- we'll be that old couple sitting on the porch swing holding hands! Smile
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    JayPlusKayJayPlusKay member
    First Anniversary First Comment
    edited April 2011
    When I was fourteen, I dated a boy named Kevin who was in my history class. By dated, I mean, we held hands, saw a few movies and called each other sometimes, and occasionally, we even made out. Well, he had this best friend who went to a different school named Jason, and who I developed an innocent, but pretty major crush on. And Jason and I would talk on AIM all the time, since Kevin didn't have a computer. Well, Kevin and I broke up after a few months,and he switched schools and we lost touch. However, Jason and I kept still talked via the internet, but never saw each other, despite being from the same city. A few years later, I became great friends with a girl (Kerri) that was in the choir with me and she had the same last name as Kevin (are we following, so far?). So, I casually brought it up and she said "Yeah, he's my big brother. Wow! I knew you looked familiar." And I asked if Kevin and Jason still talked and she said that they did not. A few years after I graduated from high school, Jason and I, who had been communicating this whole time on the computer, decided to grab dinner and catch up. Well, that turned into a summer fling like no other. Right before he was supposed to go back to school, he decided against it, enrolled at the local community college and we became official. When he switched school to be closer to me, I knew that we were going to be together forever.

    PS- Two years ago, while we were apartment hunting, Kerri mentioned that her upstairs neighbors had moved out. I talked to the landlord and soon, we moved in...and our bedroom is right about Kevin's :)
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    It sounds weird but I knew our second date. I came home found out my house and been broken into and we were supposed to have a date that night and I was waiting for the police and kept pushing it back I was 3 hours late when all was said and done and the only thing I could think of is how I wouldnt feel better until he hugged me again.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    I would say pretty much after the first date when I caught myself thinking of him CONSTANTLY and smiling when I did it.  We both just knew but we both had a lot of baggage and issues that we ended up needing to work through to get to the point we were at now (past relationships and bad habits).  That is also how I know he is the one, that I don't put off the whole "this is me you either like it or don't" attitude.  I know that FI would never want me to change anything unless it was bad for me and in other words I may put up a fight but in the end I would make any changes and so would he if it meant making the other one happy and we would become better people.
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    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/wedding-boards_just-engaged-proposals_did-one?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Wedding%20BoardsForum:683Discussion:d85953d4-6e81-42e9-a596-912fe4203321Post:7d2ac7dc-a9e0-4980-a1d7-03c6b05b5921">Re: How did you know he was the one...?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I knew he was the one almost right after we started dating. Neither of us had ever clicked with anyone like this, its as if our personalities sync up perfectly. And we're doing things a little "backwards", we actually planned our son before marriage, because we both love children. And seeing him as a great daddy has made me fall even more in love with him. And I couldn't be happier with our decision because now my son can take part in our special day. If theres really such a thing as soulmates, he's definitely the one for me.
    Posted by SkettiHeadie[/QUOTE]

    This is our story, exactly. We had known each other (online) for 3.5 years prior to dating and he had actually married once, but she ended up cheating on him less than 5 months into their marriage. So after a bunch of hit and miss (mostly misses lol), we finally got our chance. We have been together almost 4 years now and have an amazing 11 onth old little boy and our lives couldn't be better right now. =]
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    edited May 2011
    Ours was not so much love at first sight lol I met him freshman year of highschool and thought he was cute. I had a minor crush on him- but not based on anything substantial. When my 'best friend' found out I liked him she made fun of me and said she had no interest in him. A few days later she told me they were dating. I was upset, but more-so because i felt she only started dating him because I liked him. Me and FI actually ended up hating each other (he thought I was annoying and I thought he was uptight lol) the entire 3 years they were together. We hung out in the same group so all of our friend's would choose which one they would invite to that specific event. We didn't make them do that, we would just always argue when we were in the same room and they didn't want to deal with it. Can't blame them lol

    Then my 'best friend' slowly started abusing her medication. Next thing I knew she was acting like a completley different person than I knew, lying to me and cheating on her boyfriend (FI). Although I didn't get along with him, I didn't think he was a bad person. I knew he didn't deserve that and that he would never do anything like that to her. I knew telling him would ruin my friendship with my best friend (who I had been friends with for 6 years at this point), but I felt so guilty about knowing about it and knew that I would want somebody to tell me. So I told him.

    Me & my 'best friend' stopped being friends. Although she was mad I had told him that she cheated, she wanted to remain friends. I didn't. She was doing drugs, sleeping around, & overall being the kind of person we always avoided being friends with. Well none of FI friends liked his girlfriend anyways so he didn't really have a shoulder to lean on when they split. So one day he called me out of nowhere crying. I almost hung up in his face-yes, I was normally that mean to him. But my heart melts for any guy who's crying so I stayed on the phone to comfort him. We realised we had one thing in common- we both just lost one of the most important people in our lives...and nobody else could quit relate as well to the situtaion as we could to each other. He started calling me every day. After a few months he called me to tell me about this girl he liked. I gave him advise on how to get her attention and soon after they started dating. It was short lived- maybe a month. She satrted treating him fairly badly and not returning his calls- and I told him he deserved better. That he was a great guy that deserved somebody who could see that. We hadn't realised in all those years of "hating" each other, that I had grown out of being annoying (I was a freshman for gods sake!!) and he wasn't as uptight anymore (we worked on that a lot while dating too lol). He slowly started flirty with me on the phone and on AIM and we would stay up till sunrise just talking about life. We denied our feelings for a long time- me mostly because I felt like it was the taboo thing to date my "best friends" ex. But she was no longer a friend anymore. We both decided that we couldn't let her keep us from being happy. We met at age 15. Started dating at age 18, and now we're 24. He's my best friend and I can't believe we spent all that time being immature & missing out on all this happiness we now have in our life's because of each other!
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    I knew because of how different I felt when I was around him.

    We met at a part-time job that we both shared for a little while. My manager at the time, who also became a really close friend, called me while I was at college and told me about him (FI) and how cute he was. Mind you, my manager is a shy gay man so whenever he got really excited about someone, i HAD to meet him, gay or straight lol. Because my fall schedule was a bit ridiculous, I wasn't able to work too often so I wasn't able to meet FI until almost three months after he started working.

    When I was home one weekend in October, FI and I began working the same shifts a lot more and after a while, I realized that I was constantly excited to get to work, not because of the job (because at that point I was ready for something new) but because I would get to see him.

    I guess what really made me "know" was that excited feeling I would always get when I knew I was going to be seeing him. Not to sound cliche, but everytime I see him, it's like the first time.
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    My story is two-fold. I knew I loved Al after one night we were both in high school on the bus home from a band trip. I had recently been dumped by his best friend Dave and I was devastated. I needed someone to talk to and he was doing a favor for his friend by breaking the tension. We had been friends prior though not very close. I had had a brief minor crush on him my freshman year (he was a junior), but that soon passed. As a sophmore after my break-up, we were riding on the bus home from the band trip. It was probably after midnight and we were on the highway driving, so there wasn't a lot of ambient light. I was sitting next to the window and he kept leaning over me to look outside. Confused, I asked him what he was looking at. He simply said "the stars" and I was hooked. We started dating a month later. 

    I knew I was going to marry him about four years later, the summer before my sophmore year of college. I had recently got my wisdon teeth out (all four, all impacted), so my face was comparable to a grapefruit and I was barely conscious and could hardly talk. I was on my couch in my parents' living room so they could keep an eye on me and make sure I took my medicine. I had warned him of this prior, but he still insisted on visiting me. I also joked about how I uncomfortable it would be. I am a little fuzzy on the time here (vicoden will do that lol) but if I remember him being there for an entire afternoon with a girl who was drifting in and out of consciousness and who could barely talk just to be there for me. He also brought a fuzzy body pillow so I would be more comfortable and told me I was still beautiful. From then on, I knew it was only a matter of time.

    I bit over a year later, he suprised me with a proposal on New Year's Eve in front of our friends at a party. And the rest, I suppose, is history.
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    we met online almost 2 years ago now and i when we met i wasnt looking for a relationship i was going to thru a rough time my grandpa had just passed away and my mom was battleing brain cancer and i had just broken up with my ex 6 monthe earlier (it was an abusive relationship)we started talking and after about a week of talking almost every night i he asked me out i was worried that the distance would be hard but after  we made it work and i flewdown to meet him  last may and he showed up at the airport with flowers it was an amazing weekend but i knew he was the one when he flew up here in march after my mom passed away just the way he supported me and helped with everything he  stepped up and took amazing care of me and my sister
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    3 days after our first date I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. To most guys, that would have been their cue to run and never look back (and I was honest and told him). Instead he never left my side, supporting me through the treatment and everything. The days I was at my worst, sick as a dog, he would simply bring blankets and pillows into the bathroom and curl up with me.... I knew then and there that he was the one :)
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