
New to the board -- and a little venting

Hello, I'm Christine.  I've been around on other boards (and reading more than posting), but just found this one!  And good timing too!  I'm just starting my senior year, and then getting married one week after graduation, so I'm sure things will start to get hecktic pretty soon...

And for my slight venting --- I hate when spring classes end and everyone goes their separate ways!  I have 3 BMs, one being my sister (whom I now live with for the summer) but the other two are now 2 and 6 hours away!  And to top it all off, FI left the country for the month of May.  How am I supposed to get anything done?  Haha...  I know they're not major problems, but I figured someone on this board was bound to have similar frustrations.  

Anyways, I hope you all are having wonderful semester transitions!
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RSVP Date: April 25th

Re: New to the board -- and a little venting

  • I just graduated from UF!!
    I understand totally, FI lives 4 hours away, my family/where the wedding will be is 5 hours, two of my bridesmaids live in Ft. Meyers, one just graduated and is doing her masters at UGA, and the last two I lived with through three years of college and while they'll be in the same town I wont be living with them anymore, plus they moved out for the summer! It's been a pain to coordinate with people everywhere! I'm always worried I'll have told one person something and not the rest of them! Good luck and use this summer to plan plan plan!
  • How funny!  I feel like I see Gators everywhere!  My FI is currently in Turkey, and he even met some there getting off a bus!  

    Yeah, that's what my summer plans are... I'm so glad to not have classes this summer!  All my time is for working and planning.  Haha.  And good luck to you too!
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    RSVP Date: April 25th
  • em01092em01092 member
    Totally agree. 2 of my BMs are now 4 hours away, since they are staying for summer classes and I came home to work. Its sad but they will be here in a few weeks for my E-party!
    April Siggy Challenge-Wedding Escape: Reading HG/dreaming about Peeta.... Image and video hosting by TinyPic Wedding Countdown Ticker Bio-Updated 4/22**
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